Teaching With Technology

Welcome to the CET's Teaching with Technology page. Designed by faculty to support teaching in all modalities, you will find a broad range of technology-centric resources, including recordings, tutorials, and links. Also, please check the CET calendar frequently for new events and workshops and our  Instructional Technology Resources page.


For recordings of CET events and seminars, please visit individual events pages.
Additional resources can be found on our faculty orientation resources page

FIT Digital Syllabus

The FIT Concourse Digital Syllabus (also known as Syllabus Connect) is a campus-wide, syllabus template that automatically includes key FIT resources and information to benefit students. You can easily build and/or edit your course syllabus with the Concourse Syllabus template. Please contact the CET with questions or comments. 212-217-4063.


Flipping the Classroom

The "Flipped Classroom" instructional strategy aims to increase student engagement and learning by having students complete activities usually reserved for the classroom (e.g. watching videos of lectures, demos, guest speaker events) prior to the class meeting. This series of video clips explores this concept in ways that will guide your efforts. Click on the image to view or use this video link.

Instructional Technology Resources

Resources to support your instructional technology needs. This includes video tutorials and link recommendations from students who find these resources to be useful. Visit Page

CET Event Recordings and Resources

The CET records most of its events for future use. Featured events include Designing with Music, Fashion Design in 3D, and Teaching with Technology  This page also includes Blackboard tutorials to support remote and face-to-face teaching. Visit page

Student Engagement with VoiceThread

VoiceThread as a tool of engagement. Feel free to add your comments.

VoiceThread on Interaction with Students

Engaging and Managing

Enhancing your presence while online.

video Online Presence