Grant Writing Professional Development
We have tips for writing your grant
In addition to services provided by the FIT Office of Grants & Sponsored Programs, other organizations provide free or low-cost grants training through seminars and webinars. Here are some of the best sources.
The Foundation Center
The Foundation Center maintains the most comprehensive database on U.S. grantmakers and their grants. In addition, it provides numerous free and low-cost research, education, and training programs designed to advance philanthropy at every level.
The Grantsmanship Center
This online resource is dedicated to helping non-profit and education institutions at all levels, including training, publications and webcasts to help organizations plan solid programs, write logical, compelling grant proposals and create earned income opportunities.
New York Foundation for the Arts
NYFA offers numerous professional development opportunities for artists and designers, including fundraising seminars.
New York Foundation for the Arts Professional Development
FIT Center for Excellence in Teaching (CET)
This on-campus resource provides a range of training opportunities for faculty.