Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

To retain financial aid, students must reapply annually by the established deadlines and maintain satisfactory academic progress.

The Higher Education Amendments require that colleges and universities provide federal aid to those students who are in good academic standing and making satisfactory progress in a degree program. The U.S. Department of Education requires that students make satisfactory academic progress (i.e., successfully complete at least 67 percent of attempted courses) and maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0. The Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) guidelines are available in Financial Aid Services. Students must enroll only in courses which complete degree requirements. Students are responsible for reading and adhering to these guidelines.

Students who do not meet the SAP standards will be issued a warning and placed on financial aid warning. Once in this status, if a student again does not meet the SAP standards, then the student's status will be changed to financial aid termination. Under this status the student will lose the benefit of federal and institutional aid. If there were extenuating circumstances that led to the termination, the student may submit an appeal which will be reviewed by the SAP Appeal Committee. The student will then be advised, in writing, of the Committee's decision. Should the appeal be approved, the student will regain eligibility for one semester and be placed on financial aid probation.