Professors John Allen and Jean Feinberg, Fine Arts
Professors John Allen and Jean Feinberg, and other members of the Fine Arts department established a two-semester multipart symposium on diversity and art, ARTSpeak. The activities included:
- A lecture series artists invited for lectures in October, November, February, and March.
- Classroom interaction with the visiting artists.
- An ARTSpeak blog that invited students and FIT community members to comment on the lectures and their own creative sources related to their backgrounds.
- A classroom studio project related to the lectures and artist visits.
- An exhibition of selected student work from the studio project and excerpts from the ARTSpeak blog.
- A panel discussion in April on art and diversity, in which three of the artist lecturers above participated, and History of Art professor Andrew Weinstein moderated.
- The edited videos of the lectures and panel discussion will be accessible on FITDL, SUNY D Space, and on disk at the FIT Library.