2018-2020 News Items
Posted December 2020
Alicia Cilauro, Senator for International Trade and Marketing Appointed by President Eric Siathone, FIT Student Government Association
In the role of Senator, my goal is to listen to my peers on their concerns and communicate
those wishes to benefit the student body. I would love to be able to assist students
unsure of their path after graduation and provide guidance and support for their collegiate
career. As a student in my late twenties, I have a unique perspective in comparison
to some of FIT's younger student body, while representing those of us who have chosen
FIT as an important continuance in later education. I am open to all feedback and
communication through email at [email protected].
Posted December 2020
Starting One’s Career during the Pandemic - Siobhan Megahey’s Successful Outreach
Finding a job post-graduation can already be a stressful, time-consuming experience
but adding a pandemic on top of it was not in my plans. I had worked so hard to secure
a spring internship which I had hoped would provide me with the experience needed
when entering the job force. This all changed after I found out I would no longer
be allowed to complete my internship due to COVID-19 restrictions. I was devastated
and extremely nervous as graduation came closer seeing so many lose their jobs, thinking
that if this many people are becoming unemployed how will I be able to start my career?
Looking at the FIT job portal, LinkedIn, and even specific companies' career websites
it was evident that there was a lack of positions available. I applied to any relevant
job listing I found all summer and heard nothing back and it was getting very discouraging
because I have always been so excited to begin working in the industry.
In August I finally became hopeful when I heard back from my previous internship about a possible role for me in a different department. Although it was not the job I had envisioned for myself, I jumped at the opportunity and had a call with the Director of Business Development and after that, I had a meeting with the two owners of the company. Throughout our conversations about my education and experiences, they deemed my skills more useful elsewhere and created a new role for me as the Assistant Ethical Trade Manager and I started my job last month. That means that these different calls and emails took almost 3 months before it came to fruition.
My biggest tip would be to keep in contact with your favorite professors and anyone you have met at the career fairs, or previous internships because you never know if they are looking to fill a position or know someone else who is. Reaching out to them first shows that you are motivated and dedicated to starting your career and it can make their job easier because if you are a viable candidate they will not have to go through the hassle of reading endless applications if you get to them first. It is important to not get discouraged and see that as the city begins opening up again more jobs will become available and not be too hard on yourself. There are millions of recent graduates in the same situation as you. It will get better, it just takes time.
Posted November 2020
Victoria Selg, ITM’2020, Loves Working at Mallory Group and Victoria's Advice for ITM Students
Victoria loves her job at Mallory Group. She is using her skills learned from ITM and is learning an abundance about logistic services, is very involved in the sales process, and is enjoying her role immensely. She wanted to take an opportunity to say thank you to all of the ITM professors for giving her this wonderful opportunity and directly to Professor Sonja Chapman: "I owe it to her for seeing enough potential in me to connect me with Joe and ultimately land me this job."
Advice from the mouth of Victoria: “Most people can agree that 2020 is probably the worst year of all time--Murder hornets, Australian fires, protests, elections, COVID…the list seems to be endless. Then why not add being a college graduate on top of all that? It is safe to say ITM student, campus tour guide, internship enthusiast, Victoria Selg was most definitely living the worst year of her life to the fullest effect possible.
Scared of life after college, regardless of the uncertainties and craziness of the world today, I did not know where life was going to take me, more so now than ever. It seems as if no one knows what is happening in the world right now--how was small town, Long Island girl like myself going to get answers to questions I was in search for, regarding landing a job in which felt like the ultimate fate of my existence. All I kept thinking to myself was, “How am I going to get a job when so many people are losing theirs?” …but to my surprise, I got a job!
My advice to upcoming college grads who feel like the world is sinking around them as the pressures of the real world come into play after college, just remember good comes to those who wait. Good seemingly is what everyone is searching for right now. It is a scary process and one that is daunting but remember to keep your head up and remember you worked for it. No one can take away the accomplishment of what you have done at FIT and an employer will see your worth. Although I know it can be discouraging, the right job will come at the right time when you are least expecting it. How good is that? Stay positive and the world of cargo, containers, and carriers is awaiting you in your logistics-bound journey!”
Posted October 2020
ITM faculty and alumni featured in pandemic story in October 2020 HUE Magazine
How Will the Pandemic Change the Fashion Business?
FIT’s experts weigh in on the state of the industry and predict its future
See Full Article from Hue Magazine here
Posted September 2020
ITM Adjunct Instructor Selected as OWIT's Member of the Year
Professor Deanna Clark-Esposito was selected by the Organization of Women in International Trade (OWIT) as its Member of the Year on August 19, 2020
Deanna Clark-Esposito - Deanna is the founder of the Clark-Esposito Law Firm, P.C. with over 15 years of legal experience in the areas of international trade (imports/exports), transportation, maritime and administrative law in the areas of fashion, vape/tobacco, hemp and others.
Prior to starting her own law firm, Deanna headed up the global trade compliance regulatory division of a New York City based 3PL, and worked at a well respected international trade law firm.
Deanna taught the International Business Law classes at ITM and is the author ofA Practical Guide to Fashion Law & Complianceand has spoken at the program's Talking Trade @ FIT guest lecture series.
Posted September 2020
Cotton Board Election of Officers Places Two ITM Faculty on their Executive Board
Professor Sonja Chapman, ITM Associate Professor, as Vice Chairwoman, and Professor Akiko Inui, ITM Adjunct Instructor, as Treasurer.
The Cotton Board recently held its 2020 Annual Meeting. During this virtual meeting, board members serving the Cotton Research and Promotion Program reviewed, analyzed, and voted to recommend Cotton Incorporated’s 2021 budget of $80 million to the Secretary of Agriculture. This budget recommendation reflects a decrease of over $8 million from 2020.
Even with decreased funding, the 2021 Cotton Incorporated plan and budget remains at a high level and is focused on several key, primary issues and addresses some immediate challenges in order to increase market share and restore long-term profitability to the industry. Top Program priorities include sustainability, product innovation, farm profitability, cottonseed value and lint contamination. The Consumer Marketing Division of Cotton Incorporated will see the largest budget decrease in the 2021 plan. Cotton Incorporated CEO, Berrye Worsham, said, “Many of our research programs are less flexible in terms of stopping and restarting compared to consumer marketing programs. As such, marketing programs, particularly advertising, will experience a sharper drop than any research-related company initiatives.”
During its Business Session, The Cotton Board elected new officers to guide the Program, including Jimmy Webb, a cotton producer from Leary, Georgia. The full slate of newly elected Cotton Board officers is as follows: Jimmy Webb, Producer from Leary, Georgia, Chairman; Sonja Chapman, Importer from Boonton, New Jersey, Vice Chairman; Mark Nichols, Producer from Altus, Oklahoma, Secretary; and Akiko Inui, Importer from New York City, New York, Treasurer.
Posted July 2020
ITM Chair, Christine Pomeranz, addressed the International Trade Alumni Network at a virtual luncheon held on 25 June 2020 to discuss careers organized by Prof. Andrea Reyes, ITM'20XX, ITM Alumni Coordinator.
Following is an excerpt of her address, outlining how the program has evolved and encouraging alumni to stay in close touch:
Hello, everyone! How are you all doing? It is wonderful to see some graduates from as early as 2009 or earlier up to the present. We have missed you and are so excited that you are joining us for this session to focus on our careers. It is a challenging time for us economically and health-wise, so I hope that we band together as a close knit community. Before going into the main draw of today’s event, I wanted to update you on ITM’s accomplishments as a way of communicating good news: Over the recent years, we have:
- become business accredited and the first and only FIT undergraduate bachelor degree program to offer a fully online degree cohort,
- received an Export Appreciation award from the US Department of Commerce,
- offered the ITM minor to students wishing to fulfill other careers with an abbreviated background on ITM,
- earned SUNY and FIT recognition through student and faculty contributions,
- grown from 200 to 350 students and almost 2,000 graduates, and
- gained industry praise as a cutting edge one of a kind program.
Just in the last year, among our coolest accomplishments are:
First, co-sponsorship of The 2019 Apparel Importers Trade & Transportation Conference in partnership with the prestigious US Fashion Industry Association,
Second, demonstration of ITM's international trade expertise through appointment or election of several full-time and adjunct faculty to industry leadership positions, testimony at the International Trade Administration on the effects of tariffs on the textile and apparel industry, co-authorship of correspondence from the New York District Export Council to the President of the United States of America, speaking engagements with major sector players, quotations in major publications, and speaking at conferences as well as other media,
Third, flexibility in curriculum as exemplified by almost 50% of ITM's students taking minor courses and thirty-four students in ten other programs taking the ITM minor,
Fourth, continuing excellence in student performance as shown by the exit assessment of the ITM online degree students, whose ratings were often in the 90% or better percentile, and
Fifth, industry scholarships exceeding $32,000 including the new Jacqueline Pomeranz ITM Scholarship and the ITSA president becoming the first ever recipient of the New York District Export Council Next Generation Mini-Grant.
Posted May 2020
Professor Sonja Chapman and Sheng Lu, Associate Professor of the Department of Fashion and Apparel Studies, University of Delaware, are quoted by the Wall Street Journal about the challenges facing apparel sourcing and payment under COVID-19
» Retailers Canceling Apparel Orders Amid Coronavirus Torments Clothes Makers
Article is also available through FIT's Digital Library. FIT user name and password required
Posted May 2020
Two Students to Share PVH Corp. ITM Scholarships totaling $10,000
ITM is proud to announce that Mabyani Dutra and Kayla Washington were selected as co-recipients of the 2020-2021 PVH Corp. ITM scholarships. The entire application pool was so impressive that PVH intends to augment the scholarship funds allocated by FIT’s board of trustees.
The Selection Committee included Guy Vickers, President of PVH Foundation; Estefania Garcia-Correa, PVH Scholar 2014 and Business Development Manager, Latam of Vilebrequin; Prof. Andrea Reyes, Chairperson of the New York City Fair Trade Coalition and ITM’2009; and Erin Williamson, Compliance Manager of GEODIS.
Maby impressed the Committee as a first generation international college student, who learned to speak English after arriving in New York and successfully transitioned her professional experience from the car industry to the fashion sector.
Inspired by PVH’s Forward Fashion program, Maby believes that PVH’s business model to develop high quality products while creating a transparent and sustainable supply chain resonates with her own values as reflected in her business, DaCosta Verde, an eco-conscious accessories brand committed to using sustainable materials and creating an ethical supply chain by providing fair opportunities for people in developing countries.
Inspired by a family of entrepreneurs, Maby evolved as an International Trade Analyst at a Fortune 500 company in Brazil into an enterprising accessories proprietor. In between, she gained work experience by being involved in international projects with Stella McCartney’s public relations and marketing team as well as close to quadrupling RJPK Corp.‘s customer database as its Marketing and Web Manager.
Consistently putting herself in a position to serve her community, Maby is a member of the Young Professionals Committee of the Brazilian American Chamber of Commerce, where she helps to plan and organize events to foster business and investments between Brazil and the United States. She also actively serves in the Monday Night Hospitality soup kitchen project and helped the Ascension Food Pantry when she first arrived in New York. For nine years, Maby fundraised for Erasto Gaertner Hospital, the largest breast cancer institution in the South of Brazil.
The Selection Committee recognized Kayla primarily for the clarity of her career path, having successfully established her own K87 Apparel brand e-commerce boutique during this particularly challenging time, and leadership in her volunteer activities.
Aside from her commendable academic record and managing the above referenced online site she created, Kayla is currently Social Media Assistant of Event Promotions of FIT’s Office of Financial Aid where she has proven to be an invaluable resource.
Kayla is truly passionate about pursuing a career that fully applies her ITM major and Economics minor background. After earning her ITM degree, Kayla intends to pursue a customs broker license as an entry into a global sourcing career at a well-established international fashion company. She sees this and life-long learning as stepping stones to further shaping her management and international expansion skills needed to facilitate the development of her e-commerce business into its full potential.
Kayla’s passion for giving back is evidenced by her extensive volunteering activities. For instance, as Vice President of the International Trade Student Association, she volunteered at the United States Fashion Industry Association Conference as well as the most recent Lunar New Year Celebration. In her application for the scholarship, Kayla described twenty-one other volunteer activities including multiple opportunities to assist designers during New York Fashion Week.
We hope that you will all join us in congratulating Maby and Kayla as the new PVH Corp. ITM scholars!
Posted May 2020
Mabyani Dutra Chosen as First Recipient of the Jacqueline Pomeranz ITM Scholarship for $3,100
ITM is proud to announce that Mabyani Dutra was selected as the first recipient of the Jacqueline Pomeranz ITM scholarship. The scholarship was established by the Pomeranz family, in honor of their beloved mother, along with other generous donors.
The Selection Committee included Marc D. Schein, National Co-Chair Cyber Center of Excellence, Marsh & McLennan Agency; Prof. Carla Quatraro-D’Arcy, consultant, business leader, and ITM’2015; and Prof. Marianna Fundator, Chief Revenue Officer of Reliance Brand Management and ITM’2001.
Maby impressed the Committee with her professional and thoughtful presentation. She embodies Jacqueline Pomeranz’s athleticism as well as her keen ability to engage in substantive discussions relating to her education and the ideals of the ITM program. In her enthusiastic recommendation of Maby, Prof. Tanya Kar stated that “…Her vibrant intellectual curiosity would often drive the class discussion as she would ask heady questions and connect theoretical ideas to broader contexts.” This epitomizes the kind of discussions Ms. Pomeranz relished and so appreciated with her family and colleagues.
Inspired by a family of entrepreneurs, Maby evolved as an International Trade Analyst at a Fortune 500 company in Brazil into an enterprising accessories proprietor. In between, she gained work experience by being involved in international projects with Stella McCartney’s public relations and marketing team as well as close to quadrupling RJPK Corp.‘s customer database as its Marketing and Web Manager.
Consistently positioning herself to serve her community, Maby is a member of the Young Professionals Committee of the Brazilian American Chamber of Commerce. She has played a leadership role in planning and organizing events to foster business and investments between Brazil and the United States. She also actively serves in the Monday Night Hospitality soup kitchen project and helped the Ascension Food Pantry when she first arrived in New York. For nine years, Maby fundraised for Erasto Gaertner Hospital, the largest breast cancer institution in the South of Brazil.
We hope that you will all join us in congratulating Maby as ITM’s first Jacqueline Pomeranz ITM scholar!
Posted April 2020
REPRESENTED BY PROF. LILIANA PARODI, ITM Partners with U.S. – Mexico Fashion Industry Panel on Dressing up With Innovation and Evolution in North America. A Fashionista’s Guide to Doing Business in New York and California & Implications for Foreign/Mexican Trade and Manufacturing on February 27, 2020
Panelists included (left to right in photo) Alexis Robinson – Partner, Sheppard Mullin; Roberto Chapa – Partner Global Trade, EY; Maria de Los Angeles – Artist; Mario Rodríguez – Senior Director CRM, Prada Group; and Prof. Liliana Parodi-Huml – ITM Adjunct Instructor and Global Strategy & Business Development Executive, Panjiva and S&P Global Market Intelligence. The moderator was Ted Max, Partner of Sheppard Mullin.
ITM partnered with the US-Mexico Chamber of Commerce and Sheppard Mullin to discuss the trends and complexities of the U.S. market for local and foreign fashion industry companies as well as the millennial generation, e-commerce, global competition, and cultural appropriation. The panel offered insights about California’s raising bar in terms of regulations, privacy, sustainability, consumer protection, and implications for other U.S. markets; emerging challenges on global production to serve the U.S. market; trade wars, entangled rules of origin, IP protection, labor and sustainability compliance, localization and redirection of global supply chains; and if the USMCA could strengthen and competitively attract fashion manufacturing to North America.
Posted April 2020
Ralph Lauren Corp. ITM and New Times Group 2021 Scholarships Awarded
We are pleased to announce that the Selection Committee has chosen Minsun (Hollie) Yoo, Mabyani Dutra, and Kayla Washington as co-recipients of academic year 2021’s Ralph Lauren Corp. ITM Scholarships as well as Hollie Yoo and Mabyani Dutra as co-beneficiaries of the 2021 New Times Group Scholarship.
The committee was composed of David Uricoli, Vice President of Global Human Rights Compliance at Ralph Lauren Corporation; Martha Magrina, Senior Director of People and Development at Ralph Lauren Corporation; Eric Hertz, President of Center for Executive Development, Jade Huang, Co-founder and Chief Executive officer of StyleSage and ITM’2006, and Joanne Krakowski, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Mt and ITM ’2007.
Hollie was initially drawn to ITM when she discovered the opportunity to anchor her creative talent with advanced international business exposure. The committee cited, as a basis for her selection, her writing ability, substantial internship experience, and significant emotional development, which transformed her career plans from designing to enable people to express their aesthetics and identity through fashion to managing a global multi-brand enterprise. The committee also praised her ability to smoothly adjust from a simpler background in South Korea to a more complex environment in the United States, becoming fluent in English along the way.
As a Production Assistant at Mint, Hollie managed sample development process and assisted in creating products for brands like Coach, Marc Jacobs, Monse, KHAITE, The Row, etc. She undertook at least six other work and internship positions with dynamic fashion companies in South Korea and New York.
In quoting H. Jackson Brown Jr., Hollie contemplated that,“…the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more…” While she contributed sixty hours of compulsory volunteer work in churches and welfare communities in South Korea, she delighted in the joy this brought to the beneficiaries, choosing to take care of patients at E-comfort Hospital during her final year in the country.
After arriving in the United States, she harnessed her strong interest in music by singing hymns and playing the cello in nursing homes and community centers. She also participated in a three-day Hurricane Sandy recovery mission to New Jersey where she helped to clean up areas affected by the hurricane and organized the food bank. While at FIT, Hollie assisted in rehearsals for New York Fashion Week events involving KCD World Wide team, H&M X Balmain project, Zoolander 2 Runway premiere, as well as Marc Jabobs, Vera Wang, and Derek Lam shows. She further assisted in shows for Fashion Gallery, Houghton, Concept Korea, Son Jung Wan and General Idea.
Going forward, Hollie intends to apply her ITM major and Economics minor to a career in international fashion sourcing on her way to founding her own operation to sell creations of emerging fashion designers while directing some of its profits to improving developing countries’ manufacturing processes. She has truly enjoyed her ITM classes relating to managing international trade transactions and implementing marketing strategies targeting the global fashion market.
Maby impressed the Committee with how intricately she thought through the development of her brand and business, acknowledging the need to adapt plans, performing additional research, and pursuing alternative solutions when actual findings differed from initial expectations.
In expressing her shared values with the company, Maby is inspired by Ralph Lauren Corp.’s Design the Change initiative and its dedication to developing longer lasting high quality products that reduce waste. She believes in manifesting this positive creative force though her business, DaCosta Verde, an eco-conscious accessories brand committed to using sustainable materials and building an ethical supply chain by providing fair opportunities for people in developing countries. Already employing five women who have successfully moved from favelas in Brazil, this brand is also committed to contributing to charitable causes and partnering with nongovernmental organizations that empower people and improve the environment. For example, DaCostaVerde is collaborating with SOS Amazonia to launch its Amazon rainforest collection with a buy one, give one campaign, that would result in planting a tree in the Amazon for every bag sold.
Inspired by a family of entrepreneurs, Maby evolved as an International Trade Analyst at a Fortune 500 company in Brazil into an enterprising accessories proprietor. In between, she gained work experience by being involved in international projects with Stella McCartney’s public relations and marketing team as well as close to quadrupling RJPK Corp.‘s customer database as its Marketing and Web Manager.
Consistently putting herself in a position to serve her community, Maby is a member of the Young Professionals Committee of the Brazilian American Chamber of Commerce, where she helps to plan and organize events to foster business and investments between Brazil and the United States. She also actively serves in the Monday Night Hospitality soup kitchen project and helped the Ascension Food Pantry when she first arrived in New York. For nine years, Maby fundraised for Erasto Gaertner Hospital, the largest breast cancer institution in the South of Brazil.
The Selection Committee recognized Kayla for her warmth and authenticity as well as accomplishment as a courageous entrepreneur, successfully launching her K27 e-commerce brand during these challenging times.
Aside from her commendable academic record and managing the above referenced online site she created, Kayla is currently Social Media Assistant of Event Promotions of FIT’s Office of Financial Aid where she has proven to be an invaluable resource.
Kayla is truly passionate about pursuing a career that fully applies her ITM major and Economics minor background. After earning her ITM degree, Kayla intends to pursue a customs broker license as an entry into a global sourcing career at a well-established international fashion company. She sees this and lifelong learning as stepping stones to further shaping her management and international expansion skills needed to facilitate the development of her e-commerce business into its full potential.
Kayla’s passion for giving back is evidenced by her extensive volunteering activities. For instance, as Vice President of the International Trade Student Association, she volunteered at the United States Fashion Industry Association Conference as well as the most recent Lunar New Year Celebration. In her application for the scholarship, Kayla described twenty-one other volunteer activities including multiple opportunities to assist designers during New York Fashion Week.
We hope that you will all join us in congratulating Hollie, Maby, and Kayla as our new scholars!
Gemini Shippers Association Academic 2020/2021 Scholarship Awarded
We are pleased to announce that the Scholarship Selection Committee, comprised of Arlene L. Blocker, Membership Director of Gemini Shippers Group; Elizabeth Hodur, Senior Director of International Trade of Ascena Retail Group Inc. and ITM advisory board member; as well as Elizabeth Pulos, ITM’2015 and Senior Manager of Social Compliance at Macy’s, Inc., has chosen Kayla as the recipient of the 20202021 Gemini Shippers Association Academic Scholarship.Gemini Shippers Association is a longtime supporter of ITM students, having donated more than $166,000 to the ITM program. Through Sara Mayes’ leadership, the company was also chosen by the New York District Export Council as recipient of its Global Logistics Award. The Selection Committee recognized Kayla primarily for the clarity of her career path, having successfully established her own K87 Apparel brand e-commerce boutique during this particularly challenging time, leadership in her volunteer activities, relatively ample work experience, and demonstrated multitasking capabilities.
Aside from her commendable academic record and managing the above referenced online site she created, Kayla is currently Social Media Assistant of Event Promotions of FIT’s Office of Financial Aid. In her recommendation of Kayla, Prof. Jacqueline Braswell described her as “an exceptional, hardworking, and responsible individual who has continuously displayed excellent leadership qualities as my student worker.”
Kayla is truly passionate about pursuing a career that fully applies her ITM major and Economics minor background. After earning her ITM degree, Kayla intends to pursue a customs broker license as an entry into a global sourcing career at a well-established international fashion company. She sees this and life long learning as stepping stones to further shaping her management and international expansion skills needed to facilitate the development of her e-commerce business into its full potential.
Kayla’s passion for giving back is evidenced by her extensive volunteering activities. For instance, as Vice President of the International Trade Student Association, she volunteered at the United States Fashion Industry Association Conference as well as the most recent Lunar New Year Celebration. In her application for the scholarship, Kayla described twenty-one other volunteer activities including multiple opportunities to assist designers during New York Fashion Week.
We hope that you will all join us in congratulating Kayla as ITM’s new Gemini Shippers Association academic scholar!
Posted April 2020
ITM Adjunct Faculty Prof. Kelly Burton to Teach at Harvard University
Prof. Kelly Burton recently received her Masters in Sustainability from Harvard University and has been hired by Harvard's Division of Continuing Education to teach its first ‘Sustainable Fashion’ class this summer. Additionally, she has been invited to be an Associate Editor for the upcoming Special Issue of Critical Studies in Men’s Fashion ‘Sustainability and Men’s Fashion’ 2021, to be published by Intellect Books (abstracts due: 31 July 2020). Students and faculty interested in submitting an abstract or discussing other sustainability projects are invited to connect with her at [email protected]
Posted April 2020
ITM Chair Selected as Vice Chair of New York District Export Council's (NYDEC) Executive Committee
NYDEC formed its new Executive Committee, made up of Chair, Andrea Ratay, Vice President of TD Bank, NA; Vice Chair Christine Pomeranz, ITM Chair at FIT; and Treasurer Joe Schoonmaker of Risk Protection International.
NYDEC is a private, non-profit organization, whose members are appointed for four year terms by the Secretary of Commerce, which brings together experienced international business people who provide support, advice, and assistance to small- and medium-sized New York companies interested in entering into or expanding into international markets
Posted November 2019
U.S. Department of State International Visitor Leadership Program Visitors
Entrepreneurs in the Fashion Industry from Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Palestrine, Tunisia, and the United Arab Emirates visited FIT to learn more about our programs, such as the Jay & Patty Baker School or Business & Technology, and see FIT's exhibits and museum.
Professor Andrea Reyes Professor Eileen Karp with Professor Sonja Chapman
Posted October 2019
Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia on 25 September 2019 at the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia
Wayne Forrest, President of the American Indonesian Chamber of Commerce
Jusuf Kalla, Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia
ITSA Officers, Gabriella Generalao, President; Monica Grover, Vice President, and
Christine Lwin, with ITM Chair, Christine Pomeranz
Monica Grover, Christine Lwin, and Gabriella Generalao
Posted September 2019
Terrence Xu, ITM Graduate, Pursues Career in International Finance
After taking Prof. Pomeranz's International Finance class and graduating from FIT with an AMC and ITM major, Economics and Math minors, Terrence decided to attend Fordham University for its Master's in Global Finance program immediately and make a career transition. After completing two investment banking case competitions and spring internships at Snowden Lane Partners (wealth management firm) and Menusifu (restaurant point-of-sale startup), he is currently working as a summer analyst at a family office-backed middle market private equity firm, helping with its deal sourcing process. He encourages students to networking as much as possible and not be afraid of taking on new challenges.
Posted August 2019
Alin, Intravisit, ITM Minor and FBM Major, Submits Best FIT Entry to Woolmark Performance Challenge 2019
Alin Intravisit was one of forty-nine entries from six programs that FIT students submitted to compete in Woolmark Performance Challenge's 2019 competition in partnership with Adidas to innovate textiles with a significant wool component for performance/activewear. She was selected as having sent the best entry from the College.
Posted August 2019
Taylor Kent - Shanghai Study Abroad Experience
After completing my semester abroad at Donghua University in Shanghai in 2019, I feel confident about my career in international trade. I have first-hand experience of the Chinese market, culture and language. Having the semester listed on my resume is helping me stand out and be more competitive. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to explore China and use the knowledge to advance in my career! Through my studies, I will be able to succeed in my desired field of international trade. I made lifelong friends in the program that will help me progress in my Mandarin and Chinese trade studies.
For one of our field trips, we visited a factory outside of Shanghai. It was a life-changing experience for me. I was able to see up close how our industry works. It gave me inspiration to follow a career in apparel trade. I can now talk about what a factory is like in China with full confidence.
Posted August 2019
Professor Sonja Chapman's Testimony at the International Trade Commission in Washington, DC

On June 24th, Professor Sonja Chapman testified at the public hearings held by the United States Trade Representative regarding the fourth tranche of proposed tariffs for goods originating in China. The hearings were held at the International Trade Commission in Washington D.C.
Professor Chapman discussed the challenges that importers of infants and childrenss apparel will face should a new round of tariffs be instituted against these products. Professor Chapman's testimony centered on the price sensitivity of children's wear, categories of apparel that China dominates, and how that can limit sourcing choices for apparel importers. She discussed the potential harm to consumers in the form of rising prices.
Posted July 2019
After taking Prof. Pomeranz's International Finance class and graduating from FIT with AMC major and ITM, Economics, and Math minors, Terrence decided to attend Fordham University for its Master's in Global Finance program immediately and make a career transition. After completing two investment banking case competitions and spring internships at Snowden Lane Partners (wealth management firm) and Menusifu (restaurant point-of-sale startup), he is currently working as a summer analyst at a family office-backed middle market private equity firm, helping with its deal sourcing process. He encourages students to networking as much as possible and not be afraid of taking on new challenges.
Posted May 2019
2019 Recipient of Departmental Medal for the International Trade and Marketing for the Fashion Industries
Angela Serpe, ITSA President
Posted May 2019
Dean's Forum
Town Hall Meeting: World Trade Day
May 13, 2019
Honorary Gail Strickler
(Left to right): Ed Dorian, Peter Coy, Gail Strickler, Emre Ozsoz, Prof. Christine Pomeranz, and Myles Matthews
Posted May 2019
World Trade Week NYC 2019
The 2019 International Trade Awards Breakfast took place on May 13, 2019 at Baruch College. World Trade Week NYC was hosted by the New York District Export Council.

Members of ITSA attended the breakfast
Pictured (left to right): Monica Grover, Angela Serpe, Michelle Kumolontang, Gabriela Generalao

ITSATSA President, Angela Serpe
Posted April 2019
WorldTrade Week Scholarship Announcement 2020
ITMITM is pleased to announce that Raquel Paiva was selected by Peter Bengston, International
Trade Resources Specialist of The New York Public Library, and New York District Export
Council World Trade Week Steering Committee Member, as the sixth recipient of the
World Trade Week Scholarship funded by the New York District Export Council (NYDEC)
to nurture the next generation of international traders.
The committee was most impressed with Raquel’s real world living experience, social media content creator role as a means to contribute
to international trade, as well as focus on sustainable and ethical principles as
a means for the global fashion industry to effectively preserve natural resources
and perform humanitarian employment practices.
Raquel is a freelance stylist who creates engaging content as well as edits English and Portuguese articles about personal style and trends in her blog to drive traffic and attract new followers to major brands’ websites. She studied Fashion and Sustainability at London College of Fashion as well as Liberal Arts at Borough of Manhattan Community College before attendiITMITM.
Raquel articulated how this scholarship would support hITMITM education as a first
generation college student and, like her predecessors who also minored in Ethics and
Sustainability, help her apply lessons about conscious fashion to companies with environmental
and ethical principles at their core.
As a World Trade Week scholar, Raquel aspires to graduate frITMITM so that she can
lead efforts to utilize alternative fabrics and materials to make clothes, creating
a circular fashion economy, as well as engage the fashion sector in tackling poverty
and inequality. Her inclination to serve in such capacity has already been manifested
by her volunteer experience at the Orphanage Lar Maanain in Brazil, where she visited
and raised funds for children and adolescents who were victims of domestic abuse.
We hope that you will all join us in congratulating Raquel as ITM’s sixth World Trade
Week scholar!
Posted April 2019
Ralph Lauren Corp. and New Times GroITMITM Fall 2019/Spring 2020 Scholarships Awarded
We are pleased to announce that the Selection Committee has chosen Kiara Brown, Kyawt
(Christine) Lwin, Mingwei Ma, Kevin Minutti, and Monika Pisarro as co-recipients of
the fall 2019/spring 2020’s Ralph Lauren and New Times GroITMITM Scholarships.
The committee was composed of Michele DiGenova, Senior Vice President of Manufacturing & Sourcing – Luxury at Ralph Lauren Corporation;
Olivia Wicik, Manager of People & Development (HR) for Global Manufacturing & Sourcing at Ralph Lauren Corporation; Eric Hertz,
President of Center for Retail Real Estate aITMITM advisory board member; Paul Magel, President of Application Solutions Group at
Computer Generated Solutions aITMITM advisory board member; and Fariba Jalili, Executive Consultant at Barneys New York and
ITM advisory board member.
The recipients were selected from a strong pool of international and diverse candidates
with commendable drive, precise focus on sustainable goal achievement, evident cause-oriented/for
the greater good undertakings, well-balanced basket of experiences, and strong promise
to become the future leaders of the global fashion industry.
Driven by hard work ethic, Kiara strove to earn good grades, persevere, and demonstrate her determination to gain acceptance into tITMITM program. Learning from her parents, who travel for professional purposes, she aspires to pursue and international career while taking risks, resonating with Winston Churchill’s belief that “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.”
Kiara was a Retail Sales Associate at Loft Outlet and interned at Bridge Showroom and Faith in Me Productions. She is a member of the International Trade Student Association (ITSA), National Retail Federation, National Society of Leadership and Success, National Honors Society Collegiate, and Pretty Girls Sweat Organization.
While Kiara has volunteered at Escada and Nearsiling’s fashion shows as well as participated in family, residential hall, and community activities, where she demonstrated teamwork, leadership, organization, and communication skills, she is proudest of her accomplishment as the most improved soccer player. She developed a desire for helping others while she was a Girl Scout, feeding the homeless, picking up trash, writing letters to veterans, helping the elderly, and more.
In the future, Kiara intends to build on her passion for global fashion marketing by working as an international buyer for a fashion company which shares her sustainable goals, closely tying the environment with clothing production.
Christine interned at The Robert Allen Duralee Group, assisting the product design team with sales analysis and reporting, as well as Fabtrends USA, as a textile intern. She is currently a Cultural Fellow at International Student Services, contributing her international perspective to the FIT community, as well as the Academic Computing Center, assisting students with their computer laboratory needs. In addition, Christine is the Public Relations Coordinator of ITSA and volunteers at the Talking Trade @ FIT guest lectures as well as the Future of Fashion Show at FIT.
Hailing from Myanmar where she regards the culture to strictly delineate gender roles and fashion industry, Christine is fluent in Burmese and proficient in Japanese, and draws inspiration from her mother, who instilled in her beliefs the equality of men and women. Having traveled for the International Trade Practicum to Hong Kong and Taipei, Christine had the opportunity to visit companies including New Times Group while attending the Hong Kong Trade Development Council’s Hong Kong Fashion Week event. Benefiting from FIT’s diverse community and following her professional development, Christine sees herself as fostering her expertise in import/export and global sourcing as a path to creating fashion-related jobs in Myanmar and sharing her rich culture as well as Buddhist heritage to the world. She aims to contribute to elevating the country’s fashion business to global standards.
Mingwei is currently a Product Development Intern at Swim USA, communicating with international and domestic vendors as well as factories, managing inventory and spread sheets, presenting at meetings, and organizing the company’s fabric and trim libraries. She was Merchandising Manager at Kaneko and Sales Associate at Old Navy.
Complementing hITMITM degree with a minor in Economics and enthusiasm for sustainable practices, Mingwei seeks to solve the challenges of her generation, combining these disciplines to solve evolving challenges as the next generation of leaders emerge.
In addition to her scholastic achievements, she co-founded and was elected Treasurer of Model United Nations, which nurtures her keen interest in international politics. As a bilingual offspring of immigrant parents, she has helped tourists navigate through the New York retail arena by communicating with them in Mandarin. She also enthusiastically participated in the New York City Breast Cancer Walk and continues to advocate for opportunities provided by the Student Volunteer Community Services.
In recommending her for this honor, Prof. Lawrence Delson commended Mingwei for her professional demeanor as well as outstanding participation in class discussions, examinations, and projects.
Going forward, Mingwei aspires to become a marketing executive of a luxury company and is open to pursuing alternative avenues in international finance, intellectual property law, international corporate responsibility, and supply chain management, making herself ready for a much larger role. She aims to pursue careers in different fashion centers including Hong Kong, Paris and elsewhere to further develop her language and further skills. Having visited New Times Group during the International Trade Practicum, she has already started amassing her exposure to these fashion capitals.
Kevin aims to expand the discussion on the environmental and social impact of fashion worldwide so that responsible practices become a standard instead of objectives to attain. His experience at Pratt Institute’s Design Initiative for Community Empowerment program led him to pursue his undergraduate studies at FIT. In addition to completing his associate degree in Menswear and taking tITMITM major for his baccalaureate degree, Kevin is pursuing minors in Chinese and Economics.
Having just completed his internship with Tommy Hilfiger’s Menswear division, he was also Product Development Intern at Thom Browne, Men’s Design/Business Support Intern at Willy Chavarria, and Sales Associate GK GK Outfitters.
In addition, Kevin is an active member of the International Trade Student Association (ITSA) and Menswear Club. He has volunteered for FABSCRAP, sorting donated fabric for recycling and reuse; Robert Geller New York Fashion Week, assisting in fittings, styling, backstage set up, and purchasing of raw materials; as well as Calvin Klein Jeans and 205W39NYC, arranging merchandise and dressing models.
As a versatile talent, Kevin received an award for winning the Foreign Language Poetry Recitation Competition. In his recommendation of Kevin, Prof. Mark-Evan Blackman praised Kevin for being selected as one of sixteen students out of eighty applicants to participate in the International Comparative Design class in Paris and Milan, where he exceeded expectations and demonstrated multi-cultural competencies, as well as openness to constructively addressing long-established patterns and habits.
A great admirer of Ralph Lauren’s sustainability efforts, Kevin hopes to use the scholarship funds for research and travel relating at ITM’s International Trade Practicum to Japan in January 2020, when he aspires to complete a study on the “marriage of sustainability and design practices” in Japan’s advanced textile industry as well as examine the country’s sustainable development goals.
Following graduation frITMITM, Kevin intends to pursue an MBA degree with majors in technology and design as a means to introduce an innovative business model to create an environment that encourages employees to exercise their leadership qualities and attract customers through compelling industry, social, and ecological practices.
Monika’s passion for giving back is evidenced by her extensive volunteering activities. For instance, she helped Studio One Eighty Nine and PLITZS during New York Fashion Week, served as conversation partner for students at the Language Immersion program at Nassau Community College, assisted guests as well as managed inventory at NEST food pantry, created Christmas ornaments for the Festival of Trees event benefiting Cerebral Palsy Association of Nassau County, Inc. and Cradle of Aviation Museum, raised funds by creating and selling handmade products for the Breast Cancer Awareness Expo & Walk, sewed pillowcases donated to hospitals by Ryan’s Case for Smiles, and many more.
In addition to her splendid volunteering and academic records, Monika is currently applying her product knowledge, trilingual proficiency, and communication skills at Bath and Body Works in New York, served as intern of the Project Manager and Purchasing Specialist of Instal-Bud, Office Assistant at Doradca Law Firm, and Sales Associate at Fenix Zagorz in Poland.
Relating her experience as an immigrant, Monika demonstrated her determination to thrive in the United States by strengthening her organizational, management, and communication skills through taking care of strangers’ children, laying a solid foundation for her current success.
After earning hITMITM degree, Monika intends to pursue her customs broker license to effectively perform a related role in fashion companies as a starting point for life beyond graduation. She also seeks to work in a team charged with devising sustainable solutions, with particular focus on logistics, for household products.
We hope that you will all join us in congratulating Kiara, Christine, Mingwei, Kevin, and Monika as ITM’s new Ralph Lauren Corp. and New Times GroITMITM scholars.
Posted April 2019
Gemini Shippers Association Academic 2019/2020 Scholarship Awarded
We are pleased to announce that the Scholarship Selection Committee, comprised of Arlene L. Blocker, Membership Director of Gemini Shippers Group; Pamela T. Church, Esq., Partner and Chair of Baker McKenzie's North America Intellectual Property Practice as well ITMITM advisory board member; and Prof. Andrea Reyes, ITM’2009, Founder of A. Bernadette, Chair of the New York City Fair Trade Coalition, and past recipient of the Gemini Shippers Association Practicum Scholarship to Argentina, have chosen Monika as the recipients of the 20192020 Gemini Shippers Association Academic Scholarship.
Gemini Shippers Association is a longtime supporter ITMITM students, having donated more than $166,000 to tITMITM program. Through Sara Mayes’ leadership, the company was also chosen by the New York District Export Council as recipient of its Global Logistics Award.
The Selection Committee recognized Monika primarily for her extensive preparation, focus on logistics, which matches Gemini Shippers’ field of expertise, and her inquisitiveness about the effect of current developments like the trade conflict and Brexit are having on the company’s operations. The committee saw her as succeeding in this arena over the long term.
Aside from her splendid academic record, Monika is currently applying her product knowledge, trilingual proficiency, and communication skills at Bath and Body Works in New York, served as intern of the Project Manager and Purchasing Specialist of Instal-Bud, Office Assistant at Doradca Law Firm, and Sales Associate at Fenix Zagorz in Poland.
Relating her experience as an immigrant, Monika demonstrated her determination to thrive in the United States by strengthening her organizational, management, and communication skills through taking care of strangers’ children, laying a solid foundation for her current success.
After earning hITMITM degree, Monika intends to pursue her customs broker license to effectively perform a related role in fashion companies as a starting point for life beyond graduation. She also seeks to work in a team charged with devising sustainable solutions, with particular focus on logistics, for household products.
Monika’s passion for giving back is evidenced by her extensive volunteering activities. For instance, she helped Studio One Eighty Nine and PLITZS during New York Fashion Week, served as conversation partner for students at the Language Immersion program at Nassau Community College, assisted guests as well as managed inventory at NEST food pantry, created Christmas ornaments for the Festival of Trees event benefiting Cerebral Palsy Association of Nassau County, Inc. and Cradle of Aviation Museum, raised funds by creating and selling handmade products for the Breast Cancer Awareness Expo & Walk, sewed pillowcases donated to hospitals by Ryan’s Case for Smiles, and many more.
We hope that you will all join us in congratulating Monika as ITM’s new Gemini Shippers Association academic scholar!
Posted April 2019
Two Students to ShaPVHPVH CorITMITM Scholarships totaling $12,800
ITM is proud to announce that the Selection Committee has chosen Kevin Minutti and Monika J. Pisarro as co-recipients of the 2019-20PVHPVH CorITMITM scholarships. They were so impressive thPVHPVH intends to augment the scholarship funds allocated by FIT’s board of trustees.
The Selection Committee included Guy Vickers, President PVHPVH Foundation; Estefania Garcia-Correa, PVH Scholar 2014 and Business Development Manager, Latam of Vilebrequin; Maria Cecilia Hermida, PVH scholar 2018 and Compliance, Product Integrity, and Footwear Assistant at John Varvatos Enterprises; and William RossPVHPVH scholar 2018 and Social Compliance Auditor of LLCLLC (Underwriters Laboratories).
Kevin impressed the Committee as a mature, highly motivated, and exceptional student with excellently laid plan to accomplish his goals, which are very much tied into those PVHPVH Corp. He aims to expand the discussion on the environmental and social impact of fashion worldwide so that responsible practices become a standard instead of objectives to attain.
Kevin’s experience at Pratt Institute’s Design Initiative for Community Empowerment program led him to pursue his undergraduate studies at FIT. In addition to completing his associate degree in Menswear and taking tITMITM major for his baccalaureate degree, Kevin is pursuing minors in Chinese and Economics.
Having just completed his internship with Tommy Hilfiger’s Menswear division, he was also Product Development Intern at Thom Browne, Men’s Design/Business Support Intern at Willy Chavarria, and Sales Associate GK GK Outfitters.
Kevin is also an active member of the International Trade Student Association (ITSA) and Menswear Club. He has volunteered for FABSCRAP, sorting donated fabric for recycling and reuse; Robert Geller New York Fashion Week, assisting in fittings, styling, backstage set up, and purchasing of raw materials; as well as Calvin Klein Jeans and 205W39NYC, arranging merchandise and dressing models.
As a versatile talent, Kevin received an award for winning the Foreign Language Poetry Recitation Competition. In his recommendation of Kevin, Prof. Mark-Evan Blackman praised Kevin for being selected as one of sixteen students out of eighty applicants to participate in the International Comparative Design class in Paris and Milan, where he exceeded expectations and demonstrated multi-cultural competencies, as well as openness to constructively addressing long-established patterns and habits.
A great admirer of PVH’s sustainability efforts, Kevin hopes to use the scholarship funds for research and travel relating at ITM’s International Trade Practicum to Japan in January 2020, when he aspires to complete a study on the “marriage of sustainability and design practices” in Japan’s advanced textile industry as well as examine the country’s sustainable development goals.
Following graduation frITMITM, Kevin intends to pursue an MBA degree with majors in technology and design as a means to introduce an innovative business model to create an environment that encourages employees to exercise their leadership qualities and attract customers through compelling industry, social, and ecological practices.
The Selection committee found Monika to be an outstanding student, making use of every resource available to her, and paying attention to details while keeping her eyes on the big picture. She directly correlated the company’s outreach to the local community through its Prom Dress event within iPVHPVH Cares campaign with her efforts to sort some of the 1,500 donated dresses at the Prom Boutique event organized by Long Island Volunteer Center and Nassau Community College.
Monika’s passion for giving back is evidenced by her extensive volunteering activities. For instance, she helped Studio One Eighty Nine and PLITZS during New York Fashion Week, served as conversation partner for students at the Language Immersion program at Nassau Community College, assisted guests as well as managed inventory at NEST food pantry, created Christmas ornaments for the Festival of Trees event benefiting Cerebral Palsy Association of Nassau County, Inc. and Cradle of Aviation Museum, raised funds by creating and selling handmade products for the Breast Cancer Awareness Expo & Walk, sewed pillowcases donated to hospitals by Ryan’s Case for Smiles, and many more.
In addition to her splendid volunteering and academic records, Monika is currently applying her product knowledge, trilingual proficiency, and communication skills at Bath and Body Works in New York, served as intern of the Project Manager and Purchasing Specialist of Instal-Bud, Office Assistant at Doradca Law Firm, and Sales Associate at Fenix Zagorz in Poland.
Relating her experience as an immigrant, Monika demonstrated her determination to thrive in the United States by strengthening her organizational, management, and communication skills through taking care of strangers’ children, laying a solid foundation for her current success.
After earning hITMITM degree, Monika intends to pursue her customs broker license to effectively perform a related role in fashion companies as a starting point for life beyond graduation. She also seeks to work in a team charged with devising sustainable solutions, with particular focus on logistics, for household products.
We hope that you will all join us in congratulating Kevin and Monika as the nPVHPVH CorITMITM scholars!
Posted April 2019
Mingwei Ma and Monika Pisarro Selected Co-Recipients of the Professor Melinda LoreITMITM $2,000 Scholarship for the
2020 Academic Year
ITMITM is proud to announce that the Selection Committee has chosen Mingwei Ma and
Monika Pisarro as co-recipients of the Professor Melinda Lorenz Scholarship. The committee
was composed of Marc D. Schein, Risk Management Consultant at Marsh & McLennan Agency
as well as National Co-Chair of Cyber Center for Excellence; Prof. Carla Quatraro-D’Arcy,
ITM’2015; Maria Cecilia Celis Hermida, ITM’2018; and Prof. Andrea Reyes, Chairperson
of the New York City Fair Trade Coalition and ITM’2009.
In selecting Mingwei and Monika, the committee cited the recipients’ affinity with
Professor Melinda Lorenz’s passion for global marketing, their leadership in galvanizing
efforts to meet their communities’ needs, and their forward thinking in terms of preparing
for and executing their career plans.
Mingwei is currently a Product Development Intern at Swim USA, communicating with
international and domestic vendors and factories, managing inventory and spread sheets,
presenting at meetings, and organizing the company’s fabric and trim libraries. She
was Merchandising Manager at Kaneko and Sales Associate at Old Navy.
Complementing hITMITM degree with a minor in Economics and enthusiasm for sustainability practices, Mingwei seeks to solve the challenges of her generation, combining these disciplines.
In addition to her scholastic achievements, she was elected Treasurer of Model United
Nations to nourish her keen interest in international politics. As a bilingual offspring
of immigrant parents, she has helped tourists navigate through the New York retail
arena by communicating with them in Mandarin. She also enthusiastically participated
in the New York City Breast Cancer Walk
In Mingwei’s reference letter, she was commended for her outstanding work and active
and articulate participation in Professor Delson’s International Business Transactions
Going forward, Mingwei would like to explore how her enthusiasm for sustainability and economics can cross over with international trade so that one day she can return to her high school or FIT and help a freshman realize that the fashion industry is multifaceted.
Monika impressed the panel with her deep research of Prof. Melinda Lorenz’s accomplishments in marketing and connected her minors in Spanish as well as Economics with the late professor’s achievements. As her Spanish language instructor, Prof. Pilar Blanco Ruiz commended Monika’s outstanding organizational skills and interest in the Hispanic culture, a quality so close to Prof. Lorenz’s heart as she was charged with leading Maybelline’s strategy and sales to the region.
Aside from her splendid academic record, Monika is applying her product knowledge, trilingual, and communication skills at Bath and Body Works, served as intern of the Project Manager and Purchasing Specialist of Instal-Bud in Poland, Office Assistant at Doradca Law Firm and Sales Associate of Fenix Zagorz in the country.
After earning hITMITM degree, Monika intends to pursue her customs broker license to effectively perform this role in fashion companies as a starting point for life beyond graduation. She also seeks to work in a team charged with devising sustainable solutions, with particular focus on logistics, for household products.
Monika’s passion for giving back is evidenced by her extensive volunteering activities. For instance, she helped Studio One Eighty Nine and PLITZS during New York Fashion Week, served as conversation partner for students at the Language Immersion program at Nassau Community College, assisted guests as well as managed inventory at NEST food pantry, created Christmas ornaments for the Festival of Trees event benefiting Cerebral Palsy Association of Nassau County, Inc. and Cradle of Aviation Museum, raised funds by creating and selling handmade products for the Breast Cancer Awareness Expo & Walk, sewed pillowcases donated to hospitals by Ryan’s Case for Smiles, and many more.
Relating her experience as an immigrant, Monika demonstrated her determination to
thrive in the United States by strengthening her organizations, management, and communication
skills through taking care of strangers’ children, laying a solid foundation for her
current success.
We hope that you will all join us in congratulating Mingwei and Monika as the Professor
Melinda LoreITMITM scholars for academic year 2020!
Posted April 2019
Ishani Shah ITMITM Participates in Beautiful Things Panel
On 23 April 201ITMITM student, Ishani Shah (second from left in the photo) participated in a panel discussion moderated by Professor Jean Amato (second from right) as part of the Film and Media Screening Series is supported by tSGASGA Student Government, Diversity Council, Sustainability Council, the Student-Faculty Corporation, the School of Liberal Arts, and the departments of Film, Media and Performing Arts, English and Communication Studies, and Modern Languages and Cultures. With Ishani and Prof. Amato from left are Brando Crespi, Ishani Shah, Giorgio Ferrero, Jean Amato and Josh Koury.
The discussion followed a post screening of the film, Beautiful Things, which, accordingly to Glen Kenny of The New York Times, is “…a spectacularly shot documentary with a fugue structure...The theme of “Beautiful Things” is consumption; it begins in Texas, with a lone oilman, moves to a cargo ship heading across the Atlantic, spends some time in an anechoic chamber in Italy, and ends at a plant elsewhere in Europe that converts giant trash fires into energy...”
In Ishani’s words, “Beautiful Things is such an amazing movie that gave an insight into some of the most important lives on the chain of how our products make it to our shelves. A wonderful, thought-provoking film. Beautiful things is such a powerful take on the product life cycle and our impact on the environment. The movie was initially shown as part of the Biennale College screenings at the Venice Film Festival. Giorgio crafted a film about consumerism that has the outward appearance of a documentary, but where much of the dialogue of the four principal protagonists has been written by co-director Ferrero. I had such a fantastic time co-planning this wonderful event with Prof. Jean Amato!! This is a masterpiece that will change the way you consume forever. This film was shown as a part of Fashion Revolution Week with the hopes of making people more aware of their consumer patterns. Thank you to everyone who attended."
Posted April 2019
Taylor KenITMITM student, with her classmates at Donghua University in Shanghai, China. "Through my studies at Donghua University, I have gained first hand exposure to the Chinese culture and consumer market. With my new friendships, I have grown in ways that I will never forget. Studying abroad has taught me things about myself, the world and China that I never imagined. The experience has been life changing!"
Posted March 2019
Jesse Saba, Assistant Coordinator in the Office of International Programs at FIT, met with Courtney Lalotra (FITMITM Alumna 2010), Director of International Marketing for Indspire Tours, DLFDLF Promenade Mall in Delhi on January 21, 2019. Indspire Tours assisted with arrangements for FIT's winter study abroad program Textile Arts in India.
Posted January 2019
Southern Cotton Growers and Southeastern Ginners Presentation by Professor Sonja Chapman
On January 18th Professor Chapman gave presentation on the treatment of Cotton Products in the Harmonized Tariff and Tariff Engineering at the joint annual meeting of the Southern Cotton Growers and South Eastern Cotton Ginners.
Posted December 2018

This semester in IN341 International Logistics, Wilky Wai Kit Cheng reminded us why a knowledge of physics is
important to logistics. When looking for a better way to pack Parkas for shipment, Wilky first thought that
vacuum packing the Parka would just reduce the space. He also discovered that it reduced the weight of the
product as well. By no longer shipping air, Wilky showed us that we can save a great deal of money and carbon
emissions, all while creating a box that is easier and safer to handle.

Posted December 2018
Taylor Kent Wins Prestigious Gilman Scholarship
I am so excited to be a recipient of the prestigious Gilman Scholarship! The Gilman Scholarship Program is open to U.S. citizen undergraduate students who
are receiving Federal Pell Grant funding at a two-year or four-year college or university
to participate in study and intern abroad programs worldwide. I will be studying at Donghua University in Shanghai during my Spring 2019 semester
at FIT. My focus will be on my major which is International Trade and Marketing. I
plan to further my Chinese studies to learn the culture, language and fashion industry
throughout China. Winning this scholarship will help me grow my knowledge and bring
back my experience to further my studies. I am very grateful for the study abroad
program through FIT’s International Trade and Marketing Degree. The scholarship and
program will allow me to experience a life unlike anything I know and get to see the
world with the backing of FIT and the Gilman Scholarship. It will help me change the
course of my life into one that is interculturally competent and ready to succeed
in the global economy. Our world and fashion industry are strongly influenced by the
history and culture of China and I am excited for the opportunity to experience this.
Posted December 2018
ITM Adjunct Instructor, Mark Greiz, discusses Dolce & Gabanna’s recent ad controversy
on CGTN (China Global Television Network)
Date: November 30, 2018
See interview here:
Mark Greiz on the costs of cultural missteps after D&G ad controversy in China
Posted November 2018
Kate McShane, CFA | Managing Director, Citi Research visits Professor Pomeranz's IN442 class on November 14, 2018
Posted November 2018
Aila Pernambuco, International Trade and Marketing Alumni
Pictured (left to right): Prof. Patrick Yanez, Aila Pernambuco, Prof. Christine Pomeranz, Dept. & Industry Coordinator Stacey Sedereas
AilITMITM 2013', was born in Brazil to two architects, was educated in New York, is now based in Hong Kong.
Surrounded by art, design and fashion, Aila began studying fashion design in Brazil but quickly moved to the Big Apple to pursue her Bachelor of Science degree major in International Trade and Marketing and minor in Asian Studies.
While attending FIT, she was an exchange student at City University of Hong Kong for a semester, aiming to have a better understanding about the whole manufacturing and sourcing process, and the “Made in China” phenomenon.
Since graduation, Aila has combined her passion for traveling with her fashion work by working for major fashion houses such as Burberry as well as moving to Shanghai and Hong Kong to work for large manufacturers, making garments for the big brands. She has traveled to over thirty countries and counting.
One year ago, Aila teamed up with Hong Kong local Vincy Lee, a former Nike employee, to create a luxury fashion accessories brand called AP CULT. Throughout her Asian experience, Aila has mastered the nuances of Asian culture as they relate to production, sourcing, and making a difference in the lives involved in these efforts. Some of the proceeds of her company's sales are donated to the betterment of society in the region. We wish Aila success in her new endeavor.
Learn more about AP at www.apcult.com
Instagram @apcult
Personal instagram @aila.pernambuco
LinkedIn: Aila Pernambuco
Email: [email protected]
Posted October 2018
ITM adjunct instructor, Mark Greiz, discussed fitness trends in China with CGTN- China
Global Television Network on October 12, 2018
See interview here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?
CGTN's Roee Ruttenberg spoke to marketing strategist, Mark Greiz, about fitness trends
in China and around the world.
Posted September 2018
ITM Chair Attends New York/New Jersey Port Authority Reception at TWA Lounge, 1 World Trade Center regarding Holland as a Gateway to Europe on October 4, 2018.

Pictured (left to right): Myles Matthews (President/CEO, Global Trade & Technology Center), Nancy Ploeger (Executive Director, International Women's Entrepreneurial Challenge Foundation), Christine Pomeranz (Professor and Chair, Department of International Trade and Marketing, Fashion Institute of Technology), Thomas A. Bizzarro (General Manager, Mitsubishi Logistics America Cooperation), Rado Saragih (Manager of OutreacBCOBCO and Industry Relations, Port Authority of New York & New Jersey), Brian Martorano (National Director of Business Development, Ocean Import)
Pictured (left to right): Christine Pomeranz (Professor and Chair, Department of International Trade and Marketing, Fashion Institute of Technology), Carmela Mammas (Director, U.S. Commercial Service in NY), Stan de Caluwe (Sr. Manager Supply Chain Solutions, Holland International Distribution Council)
Myles Matthews (President/CEO, Global Trade & Technology Center)

Magnificent View of 4 World Trade Center from TWA Lounge

Otto Spaan (Commercial DirectoVCKVCK Logistics)

Pictured (left to right): Nancy Ploeger (Executive Director, International Women's Entrepreneurial Challenge Foundation),
Myles Matthews (President/CEO, Global Trade & Technology Center)

Pictured (left to right): Sam Ruda (Deputy Director, Business Development & Strategy Port Department, The Port Authority of NY & NJ), Nancy Ploeger (Executive Director, International Women's Entrepreneurial Challenge Foundation), Myles Matthews (President/CEO, Global Trade & Technology Center)
Posted September 2018
Cotton Board's Visit to the Department of International Trade and Marketing

Pictured (left to right): Prof. Sonja Chapman, Christi Chadwell, Brent Murphree, Shelley Heinrich, Stacey Gorman, Emily Wyonzek, Kim Kitchings, Becky Bain, Monty Bain, and Shethir Riva
The Cotton Board visiITMITM for a presentation on Cotton in the Tariff. They also toured FIT's Textile labs, Fragrance lab, and Style shop.
Posted September 2018
Cecilia Su Reports Life-Changing Study Abroad in Shanghai Experience

Pictured (left to right): Cecilia Su, Celeste Ferrin, Jalisia Wright
Studying abroad in Shanghai was a fantastic life-changing experience that not only
enabled me to learn about a new culture, but also challenged me to grow as an adult.
My Shanghai experience was remarkable for I stepped out of my comfort zone to explore
a new world that was bigger than what I had known. Being the largest city in the world
at 24 million as of 2018, Shanghai is astonishingly multi-cultural and perfectly welcoming.
I made unforgettable memories with locals, whom I am proud to call my life-long friends.
In turn, they showed me the beauty in their world and taught me life lessons that
will resonate with me forever. The challenge to adapt to a new environment, new culture,
and new people helped me become a stronger individual and a more understanding, versatile
person. Living in Shanghai showed me the impressive pace in which China is growing
in technology, and it was exciting to see the robust future growth of this country.
Shanghai is truly a dazzling, invigorating, and vibrant city that you can't miss.
Studying abroad in Shanghai is a fabulous opportunity to see the world you've always
been curious about, and to be a part of the future.
Posted September 2018
Pamela GormaITMITM 2017 Earns US Customs Broker License

Pamela GormaITMITM 2017, passed the US Customs Brokers License Exam this past April.
According to Pamela, "Having this license will open so many doors for me, and I definitely thaITMITM for giving me a wonderful foundation of knowledge that helped me pass the exam! Majoring ITMITM was such a great experience, and is the reason why I got to where I am now.
One of my most amazing experiences ITMITM was the semester I spent in Shanghai at Donghua University, where we practiced cross cultural studies relating to the global fashion business. This is an experience I would recommend to aITMITM student who really wants to obtain a global perspective, and stand out to future employers.
When I graduated from FIT, I started a position at YOOX NET-A-PORTER as a Trade and Transport Assistant. My job primarily involves US Customs compliance and logistics with our imported merchandise from brands all around the world."
Let us join together in congratulating Pamela for her significant accomplishments!
Posted August 2018
Cotton Board Elects New Chairman and Officers
The Cotton Board elected Peter McGrath, an importer, as Chairman of the Board, and an entire slate of new officers for the 2018/2019 Program year. McGrath is an importer from Colorado who owns a consulting business for major brands and retailers. McGrath was Executive Vice President and Director of Product Development and Sourcing for J. C. Penney Company, Inc. one of America’s largest department store, catalog and e-commerce retailers. He joined J.C. Penney in 1973 as a trainee in merchandise distribution in New York City and subsequently held merchandise positions of increasing responsibility in New York, California and Texas until his retirement from the company in 2010. McGrath also serves as the Chairman of the Human Rights Center at the University of Dayton. McGrath commented on his election, saying, “I am honored to be given this opportunity to help lead the industry, and work on behalf of the cotton producers and importers who invest in the Cotton Research and Promotion Program. In 2019, we are going to focus on cotton’s sustainability, new products and innovation, farm profitability, cottonseed research and marketing, contamination, and fiber competition.” The full slate of newly elected Cotton Board officers is as follows: Peter McGrath, Importer from Snowmass Village, Colorado, Chairman; Jeff Posey, Producer from Roby, Texas, Vice Chairman; Jimmy Webb, Producer from Leary, Georgia, Secretary; and Sonja Chapman, Importer from Boonton, New Jersey, Treasurer.

Prof. Sonja ChapmaITMITM Assistant Professor
Posted June 2018
Denise Bar-Aharon, formITMITM Advisory Board member now based in Israel, visitITMITM on Thursday, 28 June. She and her husband, Avi, founded and rBTCBTC International, a buying office/sourcing agency exporting merchandise for wholesalers and retailers like Macy's Calvin Klein, BebTJ TJ Maxx, and Marshalls for over twenty years. After the passing of her brother, she, along with Avi, decided to found and become CEO of Make-A-Wish Israel, which grants 300 wishes to children with medical issues. In propagating the awareness of her organization around the world, Denise says, "The doctors provide the medicine and Make-A-Wish provides the magic."
Posted June 2018

Natalie Martinez, ITM' 2018, and Mentor, Eric Hertz, President at Center for Retail Real Estate
Natalie Martinez, ITM' 2018, and Mentor, Eric Hertz, President of Center for Retail Real Estate
Natalie Martinez recently graduated frITMITM and found her dream entry position, (specify what it is), largely crediting ITM's mentorship program with Eric Hertz, President of Cneter for Retail Real Estate, as her mentor. She said,
"I cannot thank FIT (ITM) enough for the wonderful 4 years, as well as the mentorship program. Eric is a great mentor, he offered the right guidance and advice because he understood my objectives and goals which we discussed during our first meeting. Additionally, he was readily available ...by phone or setting up an in-person meeting. Although we were both very busy, we found ourselves communicating and following up. He witnessed my growth and was there all along the way from applying to the practicum, my spring internship with the DOC, and interviewing for a position in my desired field."
Posted April 2018
ITM Students Are Honored at Graduation
ITMITM student, Parker Ward, is this year's FIT valedictorian, aITMITM student, William
Rossi, was awarded the SUNY Chancellor Award for Student Excellence. With Will in
the photo are SUNY Chancellor Johnson and Dr. Juhi Bhatt, FIT Assistant Dean of Students for Community Standards and Student Involvement.
Parker Quinn, 20ITMITM Valedictorian, acceptance speech
Sonne Bajwa, President of Student Government AssociationITMITM graduate, with Stacey Sedereas, ITM Dept. & Industry Coordinator
Posted April 2018
ITM Chair Attends European American Chamber of Commerce (EACC) Event on the Future
of Global Trade with Hon. Pascal Lamy, Former Director-General of the World Trade
From left to right, Yvonne Bendinger-Rothschild, Executive Director of EACC; Pascal
Lamy; Stephanie Pierrard, Vice President Finance and Chief Financial Officer of Louis
Vuitton Americas, and Christine S. PomeranITMITM Chair
Posted April 2018
The 13th Annual International Trade Awards Breakfast & Expo

Monday, May 7, 2018
8:30 am – 11:00 am
ITSATSA Club students with important industry figures:
Joe Schoonmaker, Chair of New York District Export Council, Andrea Ratay: VP of TD Bank and Vice Chair of New York District Export Council, James
Cox: Northeast Regional Director at the Commercial Service at US Department of Commerce, Joan Kanlian: Director for Westchester, etc., Commercial Service, US Department of Commerce
ITMITM Students Pictured:
Back Row (left to right): Sylvie Cubbage, Lauren Gardner, Madison Hale, Professor Lawrence
Delson, Maria Cecilia Celis Hermida, Majlinda Qafa
Front Row (left to right): Angela Serpe, Yulia Sazonenko, Amanda Farr, Christina Fasulo
Left to Right: Professor Lawrence Delson, Madison Hale, Amanda Farr, Lauren Gardner, Jade Didonato, Sylvie Cubbage, Angela Serpe

Pictured (left to right):
World Trade Week Scholarship Recipient: Jade DiDonato, ITM Student Sylvie Cubbage,
Joan Kanlian, James Cox, Andrea Ratay, and Robert Leo
ITMITM Student Christina Fasulo
Left to Right: Andrea Ratay: Vice President and Senior Regional Trade Manager at HSBC Bank USA, Jade DiDonato: ITM Student and World Trade Week Scholarship Recipient, Jim Cox:
Regional Head of Commercial Service at US Department of Commerce
Professor aITMITM Alum: Andrea Reyes (left)
Posted April 2018
Dr. Shireen Musa
Dr. Shireen Musa has earned a Doctor of Professional Studies in Business from Pace University. Her dissertation is titled “The Role of Compassion and Sustainability Awareness on Fair Trade Fashion Consumption.” Dr. Shireen Musa’s research focused on certain emotional and educational attributes that are held by consumers of Fair Trade fashion and consumers of conventional fashion.
Posted April 2018
Peer Reviewed Article by Prof. Kelly Burton, ITM and CCPS Faculty
Prof. Kelly Burton wrote Reducing Textile Waste in the Apparel Industry: ExaminiEPREPR
as an Option for the inaugural issue of the International Society for Sustainable
Fashion Journal, a peer-reviewed publication.
Prof. Burton is an adjunITMITM Instructor and teaches 'Ethical Fashion' and 'Social Responsibility
in the Apparel Industry' at FIT's Center for Continuing and Professional Studies. A graduate
of the University of Toronto, she is now pursuing graduate studies in Sustainability
at Harvard University. In 2013, she launched EcoSessions®, a global event platform
connecting industry, designers and citizens to discuss change. Since its launch, over 50 events have been held across ten cities, on topics ranging
from: Innovations in Textiles, Fashion and Sustainability, Nontoxic Beauty, Ethical
Retailing and Fashion in Africa.
Posted April 2018
World Trade Week Scholarship Announcement 2019
ITMITM is pleased to announce that the Selection Committee has chosen Jade DiDonato as the fifth recipient of the World Trade Week Scholarship funded by the New York District Export Council (NYDEC) to nurture the next generation of international traders.
The Selection Committee included Peter Bengston, International Trade Resources Specialist
of The New York Public Library and Charles Dugan, Vice President of TD Bank, who are
both members of NYDEC’s World Trade Week Steering Committee.
The committee was most impressed with Jade’s academic accomplishments, her volunteer
experience at NEST. which assists women in impoverished nations protect their clothing
designs and improve their apparel manufacturing working conditions, her success as
a Resident Assistant at FIT’s Alumni Hall, and her commitment to elevating the fashion
industry through improving sustainable practices, strengthening intellectual property
laws, and contributing to international affairs.
Jade was a Merchandising and Sales Intern at White and Warren as well as Sales Associate
at Unode50 and J&M Home and Garden. She also volunteered at NYPL and the Style360
fashion shows and continues to be a member of the National Retail Federation Student
Jade expressed how this scholarship would support hITMITM education and help her steer
the fashion industry toward adopting greener policies. For her, learning extends
beyond the classroom as she works to protect the designs of hard-working women in
developing countries and propose a Model UN Club at the College. In addition, she
has helped build programs to learn about LGBTQAI at Residential Life while fostering
service opportunities at the Covenant House.
As a World Trade Week scholar minoring in International Politics, Jade aspires to
foster international trade and continue to dedicate her efforts to streamlining the
global supply chain in fashion companies. As she rises in her profession, Jade aspires
to become the director of sustainability and social compliance for companies like
Reformation or ASOS with the view to becoming a role model for other companies to
replicate. She is also open to a career as an intellectual property lawyer for a
luxury company or international trade organization like the International Chamber
of Commerce.
We hope that you will all join us in congratulating Jade as ITM’s fifth World Trade
Week scholar!
Posted April 2018
Three Students to ShaPVHPVH CorITMITM Scholarships
Deanna Dahl Rodriguez Karin Horikoshi Shreya Gadia
ITMITM is proud to announce that the Selection Committee has chosen Deanna Dahl Rodriguez, Karin Horikoshi, and Shreya Gadia as co-recipients of the 2018-20PVHPVH Corp. scholarships. They were so impressive thPVHPVH intends to augment the scholarship funds allocated by FIT’s board of trustees.
The Selection Committee included Guy Vickers, President of TPVHPVH Foundation and Senior Vice President of Global Community Relations PVHPVH Corp; Joanne L. Krakowski, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Mt aITMITM alumna; and Estefania Garcia-Correa, PVH scholar 2014 and Business Development Manager, Latin America & Hawaii. They were assisted by Amy Anderson, Manager, Talent Development PVHPVH Corp.
Deanna impressed the Committee as a consummate candidate, returning to college despite her considerable work experience and personal challenges while serving FIT and the global community. She demonstrated her determination to learn modern international business practices from the ground up even as she held senior positions at her own enterprises as well as Robert A. Becker, Euro RSCG, Business Link Communications, The Diebold Group, Inc. and Artisan Apparel Group.
Deanna’s passion for corporate social responsibilitCSRCSR) inspired her to focus her International Trade Practicum research on innovation and circular fashion through H&M and their Global Change Award. She also values empowering the supply chain as well as ensuring that the welfare of women and children in the labor force are constructively addressed.
As a resourceful student and global citizen, Deanna found time and funding to represeITMITM at the US Fashion Industry Association’s Trade and Transportation Conference, soliciting industry’s interest in contributing to the program. She also volunteers at the New York City Fair Trade Coalition, Special Olympics New Jersey – Hillsborough Division, Princeton Progressions Youth Mountain Bike Team, Princeton Skating Club, as well as Quince Orchard Girls Basketball and is an advocate for parents and students in Special Education meetings.
A great admirer of PVHCSRCSR goals, which mirrors the United Nations seventeen sustainable development goals, Deanna intends to help to discover and promote fashion innovation, as well as utilize her creative, business, and advocacy skills in working for an international sportswear company, reflecting her success as a one-time triathlete and avid cyclist. By interconnecting the appeal of cycling, as a sustainable transportation mode, aCSRCSR into her ideal career path, Deanna hopes to accelerate the global fashion industry’s transformation towards the circular fashion model.
Karin volunteers at the YMCA where she organizes team building activities, leadership initiatives, and charitable events, international cultural affairs, mock Olympic games, and language exchanges for youngsters aged five to fifteen. During two summers, she oversaw over forty camp counselors and three hundred children campers at the Catskill Mountains. As a volunteer of the FIT Dance Company, she performed and worked with her team to create interactive experiences at the One Billion Rising event that supports actions to end violence against all women, FIT Alumni Weekend, and the Annual Drag Pageant. She has also worked with Concept Korea, as a dresser and makeup artist during New York Fashion Week shows, and believes some designers gained recognition through her interviews. She is currently working with her peers to establish a United Nations Club at FIT.
As a Public Relations Writer and Researcher Intern for Neol.jp, Karin interviews artists in New York City and writes fashion articles in English and Japanese. She also tutors Microsoft Excel, Advertising, Statistics, Fashion Business, and Japanese at FIT’s Academic Skills Tutoring Center. Karin was Sales Assistant at Michael Kors, Showroom Assistant at Yoshi Yoshi pj pj, Public Relations Intern at Fashion Color Magazine, and Brand Representative at Hollister Co.
tritri-lingual, who also speaks French, Karin hopes to apply this skill, the scholarship funds, and her cultural awareness to effectively represePVHPVH CorpITMITM, FIT, New York City, and Japan during her study abroad program in France, where she intends to complement her Liberal Arts courses with experiential opportunities to learn about Europe and its neighboring region’s logistical practices.
Consistently interested in immersing herself in ethical initiatives, Karin also aspires for a career in marketing as well as licensing and strives to work for a company that supports initiatives in education and service in underserved communities to fortify her international business skills while contributing to the community.
Shreya’s ultimate goal is to establish her own business to export Indian textile and ready-to-wear fashion lines to western countries and utilizing her business as a means to spawn career opportunities for women and underprivileged residents brought up in a traditional patriarchal society by having them create indigenous styles like bandhani, gota work, block printing, and hand dying.
In the meantime, she is currently a Press Relations intern of Bibhu Mohapatra, himself an outstanding graduate of FIT who designed dresses for Michelle Obama when she was first lady. She was Social Media intern at Vanity Room New York, where she edited images for websites and social media. Shreya also interned at Sataara, India and Pyjama Party, where she created preliminary sketches and designs.
An active seeker of volunteering opportunities, Shreya contributed to Style Fashion Week and Oxford Fashion Week as well as translated documents for as well as kept track of Hindi-speaking immigrants at New York Immigration Coalition. She currently serves as the Office of Admissions’ student tour guide; volunteers ITMITM events; was President of Indian Cultural Society at FIT, where she helped to organize the Indian festival, Holi; and was Secretary of People’s Voice Youth Wing in Rajasthan, India. Prior to these initiatives, Shreya taught less fortunate students basic drawing and sketching at Gyandeep School, participated in the cleanliness drive organized by Paryaah NGO, and managed the merchandising stall at Jaipur Literature Festival, all in India.
Having grown up in Asia and learning about the U.S. culture, Shreya plans to use the scholarship to fund her study abroad in Prague, which will serve as her base to learn about European culture, art, and business practices next semester.
In one of her references, Shreya was commended for having grown and achieved so much in her role as a student tour guide, consistently exhibiting professionalism, enthusiasm, diligence, and amicability. Given this track record, the committee was convinced that applying the scholarship funds for the purpose she expressed is the logical next step to attaining her career aspirations.
We hope that you will all join us in congratulating Deanna, Karin, and Shreya as the new
PVH CorITMITM scholars!
Posted April 2018
Ralph Lauren Corp. and New Times Group 2018 Scholarships Awarded
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Deanna Dahl Rodriguez | Shreya Gadia | Karin Horikoshi | Emily Maestranzi |
We are pleased to announce that the Selection Committee has chosen Deanna Dahl Rodriguez, Shreya Gadia and Karin Horikoshi as co-recipients of academic year 2019’s Ralph Lauren Scholarships and Emily Maestranzi as the beneficiary of the 2019 New Times GroITMITM Scholarship.
The committee was composed of Anindita Dey, Director of Talent Acquisition, Global People and Development at Ralph Lauren Corporation; Danielle Ginley, Manager of Global People and Development at Ralph Lauren Corporation; Ajay Chidrawar, Vice President of Global Product Management Application Solutions at Computer Generated Solutions; Claudia Huerta, Assistant Manager of International Business Development at L’Oreal aITMITM alumna; Estefania Garcia-Correa, in charge of Business Development for Latin America, The Caribbean, Hawaii and Canada at Vilebrequin; and Prof. Carla Quatraro-D’Arcy, Consultant, Business Leader, aITMITM alumna.
The recipients were selected from a strong pool of candidates with commendable volunteering
credentials as well as future aspirations. They stood out in terms of their passion,
drive, commitment, excellent communication skills, sustainable goals, and strong representation
ITMITM as the paramount international fashion business program.
The Committee found Deanna to be an exemplary candidate, returning to College despite her considerable work experience and personal challenges while volunteering at FIT and the global community. She impressed the Committee with her fortitude to learn corporate responsibility practices from the ground up even as she held senior positions at her own enterprises as well as Robert A. Becker, Euro RSCG, Business Link Communications, The Diebold Group, Inc. and Artisan Apparel Group.
Deanna’s passion for corporate social responsibilitCSRCSR) inspired her to focus her International Trade Practicum research on innovation and circular fashion through H&M and their Global Change Award. She also values empowering the supply chain as well as ensuring that the welfare of women and children in the labor force are constructively addressed.
As a resourceful student and global citizen, Deanna found time and funding to represeITMITM at the US Fashion Industry Association’s Trade and Transportation Conference, soliciting industry’s interest in contributing to the program. She also volunteers at the New York City Fair Trade Coalition, Special Olympics New Jersey – Hillsborough Division, Princeton Progressions Youth Mountain Bike Team, Princeton Skating Club, as well as Quince Orchard Girls Basketball and is an advocate for parents and students in Special Education meetings.
Going forward, Deanna intends to assist the United Nations in realizing its seventeen sustainable development goals, help to discover and promote fashion innovation, as well as utilize her creative, business, and advocacy skills in working for an international sportswear company like Patagonia or global cycling brands, such as Rapha, reflecting her success as a one-time triathlete and avid cyclist. By interconnecting the appeal of cycling, as a sustainable transportation mode, aCSRCSR into her ideal career path, Deanna hopes to accelerate the global fashion industry’s transformation towards the circular fashion model.
Shreya’s ultimate goal is to establish her own business to export Indian textile and ready-to-wear fashion lines to western countries and utilizing her business as a means to spawn career opportunities for women and underprivileged residents brought up in a traditional patriarchal society by having them create indigenous styles like bandhani, gota work, block printing, and hand dying.
In the meantime, she is currently a Press Relations intern of Bibhu Mohapatra, himself
an outstanding graduate of FIT who designed dresses for Michelle Obama when she was
first lady. She was Social Media intern at Vanity Room New York, where she edited
images for websites and social media. Shreya also interned at Sataara, India and
Pyjama Party, where she created preliminary sketches and designs.
An active seeker of volunteering opportunities, Shreya contributed to Style Fashion Week and Oxford Fashion Week as well as translated documents for as well as kept track of Hindi-speaking immigrants at New York Immigration Coalition. She currently serves as the Office of Admissions’ student tour guide; volunteers ITMITM events; was President of Indian Cultural Society at FIT, where she helped to organize the Indian festival, Holi; and was Secretary of People’s Voice Youth Wing in Rajasthan, India. Prior to these initiatives, Shreya taught less fortunate students basic drawing and sketching at Gyandeep School, participated in the cleanliness drive organized by Paryaah NGO, and managed the merchandising stall at Jaipur Literature Festival, all in India.
Having grown up in Asia and learning about the U.S. culture, Shreya plans to use the
scholarship to fund her study abroad in Prague, which will serve as her base to learn
about European culture, art, and business practices next semester.
In one of her references, Shreya was commended for having grown and achieved so much
in her role as a student tour guide, consistently exhibiting professionalism, enthusiasm,
diligence, and amicability. Given this track record, the committee was convinced
that applying the scholarship funds for the purpose she expressed is the logical next
step to attaining her career aspirations.
As a Public Relations Writer and Researcher Intern for Neol.jp, Karin interviews artists in New York City and writes fashion articles in English and Japanese. She also tutors Microsoft Excel, Advertising, Statistics, Fashion Business, and Japanese at FIT’s Academic Skills Tutoring Center. Karin was Sales Assistant at Michael Kors, Showroom Assistant at Yoshi Yoshi pj pj, Public Relations Intern at Fashion Color Magazine, and Brand Representative at Hollister Co.
Karin volunteers at the YMCA where she organizes team building activities, leadership initiatives, and charitable events, international cultural affairs, mock Olympic games, and language exchanges for youngsters aged five to fifteen. During two summers, she oversaw over forty camp counselors and three hundred children campers at the Catskill Mountains. As a volunteer of the FIT Dance Company, she performed and worked with her team to create interactive experiences at the One Billion Rising event that supports actions to end violence against all women, FIT Alumni Weekend, and the Annual Drag Pageant. She has also worked with Concept Korea, as a dresser and makeup artist during New York Fashion Week shows, and believes some designers gained recognition through her interviews. She is a co-founder of FIT’s United Nations Club.
tritri-lingual, who also speaks French, Karin hopes to apply this linguistic skill,
the scholarship funds, and her cultural awareness to effectively represent Ralph Lauren
CorpITMITM, FIT, New York City, and Japan during her study abroad program in France,
where she intends to complement her Liberal Arts courses with experiential opportunities
to learn about Europe and its neighboring region’s ports as well as logistical practices.
Consistently interested in immersing herself in ethical initiatives, Karin is also
open to a career in marketing as well as licensing and strives to work for a company
that supports initiatives in education and service in underserved communities to fortify
her international business skills while contributing to the community.
Minoring in Economics, Ethics and Sustainability, and International Politics, Emily tutors Italian and other courses at FIT’s Academic Skills (Tutoring) Center, oversaw cash and credit transactions at Des Aspes Mood Club in Italy, Week, and served as Assistant Model Coordinator at FIT Runway27. She also interned at Apropo Showroom, where she assisted its wholesale account executives in dealing with the supply chain from vendors in India to the final buyers in Italy.
Emily plans to take the customs broker license exam as a stepping stone to working in compliance and international trade regulations. Ultimately, she intends to blend this career with her passion for philanthropy, which began with fundraising efforts she led for the victims of the tsunami in Haiti in 2010. The funds raised were used to construct a home for abandoned children with the collaboration of Fondazione Don Bosco Nel Mondo through a project called, LAKAY. Since then, she travelled to Tanzania, collected clothes and medication for distribution to inhabitants of a small village called Uroa on the island of Zanzibar. Her family is in the process of establishing a non-profit company in the area.
Having recently attended the Global Engagement Summit 2018 at the United Nation’s General Assembly, where issues involving women empowerment, climate change, refugee crisis, and global development were deliberated, along with Karin and other peers, Emily cofounded FIT’s United Nations Club, which intends to create forums to discuss solutions to world challenges.
Recognized by her professors as someone who brings a unique global perspective to class discussions, Emily is a recipient of tQVCQVC International Scholarship Fund.
We hope that you will all join us in congratulating Deanna, Shreya, and Karin as ITM’s new Ralph Lauren CorITMITM scholars and Emily as next year’s New Times Group scholar!
Posted April 2018
Gemini Shippers Association Academic 2018 Scholarship Awarded
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Karin Horikoshi | Deanna Dahl Rodriguez |
We are pleased to announce that the Scholarship Selection Committee comprised of Arlene
Blocker, Membership Director of Gemini Shippers Association; Fariba Jalili, ITM Advisory
Board member, and Prof. Andrea Reyes, Chairperson of the New York City Fair Trade
Coalition and outstandiITMITM alumna 2009, have chosen Karin Horikoshi and Deanna
Dahl Rodriguez as co-recipients of the 2018-2019 Gemini Shippers Association Academic
Gemini Shippers Association is a long-time supporter ITMITM students, having donated
more than $160,000 to tITMITM program. Through Sara Mayes’ leadership as its President,
the company was also chosen by the New York District Export Council as its 2016 Global
Logistics Awardee.
In her selection as this year's scholarship co-recipient, the Committee recognized
Karin primarily for her preparation, demonstrating detailed knowledge of Gemini Shippers
Association and how her future career aspirations greatly align with the company,
following in the footsteps of prior scholars as an exemplary role model of a Gemini
Shippers Association scholar aITMITM student. At the same time, the Committee recognized
her expansive interest in international trade, discovering her passion for cultivating
a career in this field when she was just fifteen years old, and a remarkable intention
to contribute to the advancement of women in international business.
Karin volunteers at the YMCA where she organizes team building activities, leadership
initiatives, and charitable events, international cultural affairs, mock Olympic games,
and language exchanges for youngsters aged five to fifteen. During two summers, she
oversaw over forty camp counselors and three hundred children campers at the Catskill
Mountains. As a volunteer of the FIT Dance Company, she performed and worked with
her team to create interactive experiences at the One Billion Rising event that supports
actions to end violence against all women, FIT Alumni Weekend, and the Annual Drag
Pageant. She has also worked with Concept Korea, as a dresser and makeup artist during
New York Fashion Week shows, and believes some designers gained recognition through
her interviews. She is currently working with her peers to establish a United Nations
Club at FIT.
As a Public Relations Writer and Researcher Intern for Neol.jp, Karin interviews artists
in New York City and writes fashion articles in English and Japanese. She also tutors
Microsoft Excel, Advertising, Statistics, Fashion Business, and Japanese at FIT’s
Academic Skills Tutoring Center. Karin was Sales Assistant at Michael Kors, Showroom
Assistant at Yoshi Yoshi pj pj, Public Relations Intern at Fashion Color Magazine,
and Brand Representative at Hollister Co.
tritri-lingual, who also speaks French, Karin hopes to apply this skill, the scholarship
funds, and her cultural awareness to effectively represent Gemini ShipperITMITM, FIT,
New York City, and Japan during her study abroad program in France, where she intends
to complement her Liberal Arts courses with experiential opportunities to learn about
Europe and its neighboring region’s ports as well as logistical practices.
Consistently interested in immersing herself in ethical initiatives, Karin is also
open to a career in marketing as well as licensing and strives to work for a company
that supports initiatives in education and service in underserved communities to fortify
her international business skills while contributing to the community.
The Committee found Deanna to be a living example of social responsibility, overcoming
personal challenges by returning to College despite her considerable work experience
while serving FIT and the global community at large. She impressed the Committee
with her fortitude to learn modern international business practices from the ground
up even as she held senior positions at her own enterprises as well as Robert A. Becker,
Euro RSCG, Business Link Communications, The Diebold Group, Inc. and Artisan Apparel
Deanna’s passion for corporate social responsibilitCSRCSR) inspired her to focus her
International Trade Practicum research on innovation and circular fashion through
H&M and their Global Change Award. She also values empowering the supply chain as
well as ensuring that the welfare of women and children in the labor force are constructively
As a resourceful student and global citizen, Deanna found time and funding to represeITMITM
at the US Fashion Industry Association’s Trade and Transportation Conference, soliciting
industry’s interest in contributing to the program. She also volunteers at the New
York City Fair Trade Coalition, Special Olympics New Jersey – Hillsborough Division,
Princeton Progressions Youth Mountain Bike Team, Princeton Skating Club, as well as
Quince Orchard Girls Basketball and is an advocate for parents and students in Special
Education meetings.
Going forward, Deanna intends to assist the United Nations in realizing its seventeen
sustainable development goals, help to discover and promote fashion innovation, as
well as utilize her creative, business, and advocacy skills in working for an international
sportswear company like Patagonia or global cycling brands, such as Rapha, reflecting
her success as a one-time triathlete and avid cyclist. By interconnecting the appeal
of cycling, as a sustainable transportation mode, aCSRCSR into her ideal career path,
Deanna hopes to accelerate the global fashion industry’s transformation towards the
circular fashion model.
We hope that you will all join us in congratulating Karin and Deanna as ITM’s new
Gemini Shippers Association academic scholars!
Posted April 2018
Shreya Gadia Selected Recipient of the Professor Melinda LoreITMITM $2,100 Scholarship
ITMITM is proud to announce that the Selection Committee has chosen Shreya Gadia as
recipient of the Professor Melinda Lorenz Scholarship. The committee was composed
of Joanne L. Krakowski, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Mt and ITM’2007; Elizabeth
Pulos, Manager, Responsible Sourcing and Production of Macy’s, Inc., ITM’2015; Maria
Cecilia Celis Hermida, President of International Trade Student Association; and Sonne
Bajwa, President of FIT Student Government Association.
In selecting Shreya, the committee cited her embodiment of Professor Melinda Lorenz’s
passion for global marketing, ethics, and supply chain with the ultimate goal of establishing
her own enterprise to export Indian textile and ready-to-wear fashion lines to western
countries and utilizing her business as a means to spawn career opportunities for
women and underprivileged residents brought up in a traditional patriarchal society
by having them create indigenous styles like bandhani, gota work, block printing,
and hand dying.
Shreya is currently a Press Relations intern of Bibhu Mohapatra, himself an outstanding
graduate of FIT who designed dresses for Michelle Obama when she was first lady. She
was Social Media intern at Vanity Room New York, where she edited images for websites
and social media. Shreya also interned at Sataara, India and Pyjama Party, where she
created preliminary sketches and designs.
An active seeker of volunteering opportunities, Shreya contributed to Style Fashion
Week and Oxford Fashion Week as well as translated documents for as well as kept track
of Hindi-speaking immigrants at New York Immigration Coalition. She currently serves
as the Office of Admissions’ student tour guide; volunteers ITMITM events; was President
of Indian Cultural Society at FIT, where she helped to organize the Indian festival,
Holi; and was Secretary of People’s Voice Youth Wing in Rajasthan, India. Prior to
taking on these initiatives, Shreya taught less fortunate students basic drawing and
sketching at Gyandeep School, participated in the cleanliness drive organized by Paryaah
NGO, and managed the merchandising stall at Jaipur Literature Festival, all in India.
Having grown up in Asia and learning about the U.S. culture, Shreya plans to use the
scholarship to fund her study abroad in Prague, which will serve as her base to learn
about European culture, art, and business practices next semester.
In one of her references, Shreya was commended for having grown and achieved so much
in her role as a student tour guide, consistently exhibiting professionalism, enthusiasm,
diligence, and amicability. Given this track record, the committee believed that applying
the scholarship funds for the purpose she expressed is the logical next step to attaining
her career aspirations.
We hope that you will all join us in congratulating Shreya as the Professor Melinda
LoreITMITM scholar!
Posted April 2018
Professor Sonja Chapman's participation in the US Global Value Chain Coalition's fly in to Washington DC
Prof. Chapman met with representatives from the offices of
Rep. Norma Torres (D-35-CA)
Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ)
Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-12-NY)
Rep. Scott Peters (D-52-CA)
Rep. Frank Pallone (D-6-NJ)
Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-11-NJ)
to further the coalition's mission of educating policymakers and the public about American Jobs and the domestic economic growth apparel companies engaged in global trade generate through their value chains.
Prof. Chapman in front of Capital building
Posted April 2018
Fairchild’s Newest Fashion Law Book Provides a Fresh Approach to Building a Fashion Business
Whether aspiring to set up your own retail or fashion based import/export business,
have your sights set on joining an established brand, or are a seasoned executive
just checking in on how the business you are already running should be operating,
"A Practical Guide to Fashion Law and Compliance," is a must read for anyone in the
business of fashion. Written ITMITM Adjunct Professor Deanna Clark-Esposito, Esq., the book is available for purchase online and in stores.
Posted April 2018
ITM’s SPRING 2018 Field Trip SGSSGS North America, Inc.
On-site visit organized by Ms. Louann Spirito, Consumer and Retail, U.S. & Canada
Softlines Business & Technical HeaSGSSGS North America, Inc. and Sonja Chapman, Acting
Assistant Professor, Department of International Trade & Marketing
April 4, 2018
Tour covered discussion on product compliance at the federal and state levels, an
overview of SGS' social and environmental compliance programs, and a tour of the company's
testing facilities.
Posted April 2018: The Department of International Trade & Marketing Presents
Demo of Blockchain by IBM by Mr Karl Haller of IBM
April 4 2018
IBM is an industry leader in the evolution of Blockchain platforms.
Blockchain transactions began in the financial arena and have rapidly spread to many other industries, including Textile and Apparel and Transportation.
Mr Karl Haller of IBM will present an overview of Blockchain, an overview of IBM’s joint ventures with other industry partners such as Maersk and conduct a Q and A with our attendees.
Karl Haller has had extensive experience with well known Fashion Brands as well as his affiliation with IBM.
Posted April 2018 Alumni News
Nicole Lorden graduated Summa Cum Laude from FITITMITM Program in May of 2013. During her time ITMITM, she was chosen as one of the department’s top performing students to co-author the Cotton Import-Export Study, sponsored by Cotton Incorporated. The study researched how companies can receive duty free treatment for their cotton products under the appropriate duty free program. The opportunity allowed her to meet with various manufacturers and importers of cotton products as well CBPCBP officials.
She was the recipient of various awards and scholarships, including the Harold SacITMITM 2013 Practicum Scholarship, the Polo Ralph LaurITMITM 2012 Scholarship, the 2012 New Times GroITMITM Scholarship, the Warnaco Inc. Group Scholarship, and the 2013 SUNY Chancellor Award for student excellence. Nicole also held positions as the President of ITSA, where she was in charge of Talking Trade @ FIT events and fostering relationships between students and industry professionals, as well as the Executive Board Treasurer of FITSA, where she managed student club’s budget requests and allocated the student activities fee to various clubs and organizations on campus.
After having various positions in companies in NYC and Boston, Nicole is currently a Buyer for Rue La La, a members only online flash sale site based in Boston. She is responsible for the European Luxury Fashion and Vintage department, where she specializes in luxury accessory brands like Valentino and Prada.
Nicole’s main advice to current students is to be involved in as much as possible on campus. The clubs and activities that she was involved in opened doors to many networking opportunities which helped build her career. Be attentive in class, attend Talking Trade events and seminars, and ask for advice from Professors. Travel as much as possible and be curious. FIT, especialITMITM, has many amazing opportunities available to students which she recommends you take advantage of.