Yasemin Jones, PhD
Yasemin Jones, PhD, is interim vice president for Academic Affairs. Jones provides
leadership for planning, implementing, and coordinating the college’s educational
programs as well as supporting efforts for faculty hiring, development, promotion,
and tenure. She works closely with FIT’s Faculty Senate in the development of academic
procedures and policies.
With the academic deans from the schools of Art and Design, Business and Technology, Liberal Arts, and Graduate Studies and unit leaders from the Gladys Marcus Library, Center for Continuing and Professional Studies, Office of International Programs, Grants, Presidential Scholars honors program, Institutional Research and Effectiveness, and Faculty and Academic Program Support areas, she guides academic initiatives aligned with the college’s mission: preparing students for professional excellence in design and business through rigorous and adaptable academic programs, experiential learning, and innovative partnerships. She also serves as the accreditation liaison officer for the college’s institutional accreditor, Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE).
Prior to her current role in Academic Affairs, she was associate vice president for Faculty and Academic Program Support areas. Previous leadership roles include 15 years of service for City University of New York colleges, including Queens College, where she served as administrative executive officer and special assistant to the provost focusing on experiential education, academic programs, faculty development, and strategic planning. Prior to administrative work, she served as co-principal investigator on a federally funded grant for improving science and mathematics outcomes for first-generation college students. Additionally, as adjunct faculty, she taught mathematics at New York City College of Technology and survey courses in developmental psychology at CCNY.
Jones earned her PhD and MPhil in educational psychology from the City University of New York’s Graduate School and University Center. Her dissertation focus was on subject matter and pedagogical content knowledge development of mathematics teachers. Her BA cum laude in psychology is from the University of California, Irvine. Born and raised in Izmir, Turkey, she immigrated to the United States and became a naturalized U.S. citizen when she was 12.