
MA Exhibition and Experience Design Technical Skills Certification Seminar


Technical Skills (EXD 001) is an intensive three-day seminar that will assist graduate students with the technical tools and software skills to be successful when they enter into the first semester as well as the third semester of the Graduate Exhibition and Experience Design Program at FIT in the fall.

Graduate Exhibition & Experience Design students are required to have experience in software programs for drafting, rendering and graphics. The Exhibition and Experience Design Technical Skills Certification Seminar will provide students an overview of industry specific drafting standards, techniques and documentation formats as well as an overview of industry standard rendering software programs used for museum, tradeshow, and retail design.

The seminar will be a combination of technical skills, exercises, and studio work. It will familiarize students with industry standard software and explore how the software and specific techniques are used in the Graduate Exhibition & Experience Design Program and in the industry.

Upon successful completion of the course, participants will be awarded a certification and a digital badge in Exhibition & Experience Design Technical Skills through FIT’s Center for Continuing and Professional Studies.

Professional Certification in Professional Practices and Business Development in Exhibition and Experience Design

Professional Practices & Business Development (EXD 002) is an intensive three-day seminar to serve graduate students of the Graduate Exhibition & Experience Design Program at FIT, Alumni of the Program and industry professionals in exhibition and experiential design and marketing. The seminar introduces students to cutting edge business practices, including project and team management strategies from across the design industry. This certification is for students and industry members looking to increase their attractiveness to potential employers or learn to open their own business as students will gain unique insights into business practices and expand their leadership and management skills.

As the demand across the industry increases for designers who are also skilled project managers with an understanding of business strategies including contract development and negotiations, budget management, project schedules, team management as well as business development practices—this seminar will convey valuable real world strategies for the management of design teams, projects and business development. Students will understand how business and corporations are structured and learn strategies to foster and develop business centric relationships that drive new and continued work.

Upon completion of this three-day seminar students will receive a Professional Certification Certificate in Professional Practices & Business Development in Exhibition and Experience Design.