Acquisitions & Metadata Services
The Acquisitions and Metadata Services Unit oversees the ordering, receiving, invoicing, cataloging, metadata description and processing of library materials. Materials include books, ebooks, periodicals, DVDs, electronic databases, and digital images.
Purchase Requests
- Submit requests for books, periodicals, and non-print materials through our purchase request form
- We encourage you to submit requests at any time but Faculty should request items as quickly as possible before the semester begins to ensure the items are available
- Please be aware that all requests are subject to budgetary constraints
- As a general rule, textbooks are not purchased for the Library collection. Please refer to the Library's Textbook Purchasing Policy (.pdf) for more information.
- Library-owned materials and Instructor's personal copies can be placed on course reserves
Gifts & Donations
- The Library welcomes gifts and donations that support the curriculum and written acknowledgments are sent to all donors. Please contact the Head of Acquisitions and Metadata Services for more information.
- Donors of library materials may be asked to submit a list or other written description
- Gifts become the property of the FIT Library upon receipt and the Library will determine the use or disposition of materials
- The Library is not allowed to make appraisals for income tax purposes but can provide a list of commercial appraisers
Contact Us
Acquisitions and Metadata Services
Goodman Center: E619
(212) 217-4350
Leslie Preston, Assistant Professor & Head of Acquisitions and Metadata Services