Special Collections & College Archives
Whether operating on-campus, remotely, or in a hybrid mode, Special Collections and College Archives (SPARC) fosters original research across and beyond the FIT community by acquiring, preserving, and providing universal access to primary research materials including College archival records. Unit materials include physical, digital, and 3-dimensional examples. All acquisitions support one or more curricula offered at FIT; our user community is as diverse as the content on our shelves and all are welcome.
Research Hours (by appointment only)
Fall 2023: August 21 – December 22
Monday: closed
Tuesday: 5–8 pm
Wednesday: 1–4 pm
Tuesday: 5–8 pm
Wednesday: 1–4 pm
Thursday: 10 am–1 pm
Friday: closed
Friday: closed
Saturday: closed
Sunday: 2–5 pm
Sunday: 2–5 pm
To make an appointment, please write to [email protected] or call (212) 217-4385.
Connect With Us

Contact Us
Special Collections and College Archives
Goodman Center: 4th floor, room E435
(212) 217-4385
Professor Karen J. Trivette, MLS, Head of Special Collections and College Archives