Kaufman Hall Neighborhood Construction
FIT’s Kaufman Hall, a student residential facility, is located in Manhattan’s Hudson
Yards. This area is currently undergoing significant construction that will result
in a vibrant and exciting new community of shops, restaurants, and cultural destinations
in the coming years. This work includes structural upgrades to streets and utilities
and the multi-phased construction of the Manhattan West development across West 31st
Street from Kaufman Hall.
Current and Upcoming Construction
While everyday noise from traffic and construction is expected on an urban campus, particularly during daytime hours, we recognize that construction noise has been disrupting the studies and sleep of some Kaufman Hall residents.
FIT makes every effort to ensure a pleasant and productive quality of life for students, so college administrators follow up on every noise complaint to address the immediate condition and improve long-term construction planning.
To assist FIT in these efforts, you are encouraged to:
- File a complaint with the New York City every time the noise is excessive. Either call 311 or use the “request” option on the 311 NYC app. Repeated complaints may result in fines.
- Submit a noise report to the Dean of Students Office each night that disruptive noise occurs. Please email reports to [email protected] and include the date, time, and duration the noise occurs, as well as the room number in which you hear it.
Every Friday afternoon, FIT posts a construction schedule for the coming week reflecting the information provided by Manhattan West developer Brookfield Properties and by the New York City Department of Design and Construction, which is conducting the utility upgrades on West 30th Street and on Ninth Avenue.
Current Week Construction Schedule
What you can do:
- File a complaint with the city by calling 311 every time the noise is excessive.
- Submit noise reports to the Dean of Students office. Please include the date, time, and duration that the noise is occurring as well as room number. Reports should be submitted each time disruptive noise is experienced.
- Stay alert in constructions areas.